Policies, Terms, and Conditions
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2025/26 EPIC Coverage Refund Policy Terms & Conditions
Last Updated: March 4, 2025
Please read these terms and conditions (“Terms”) carefully. These Terms (in their entirety) form a binding agreement between you and the Vail Corporation d/b/a Vail Resorts Management Company, including its subsidiaries and affiliates (“Vail Resorts”, “we” or “us”).
1. EPIC Coverage. The EPIC Coverage Refund Policy (“EPIC Coverage”) is Vail Resorts’ refund policy for all Season Passes. All Season Passes are NON-REFUNDABLE except as set forth in these Terms. EPIC Coverage applies only to Season Passes. It does not apply to any other lift access products.
2. Definitions. The following definitions apply to these Terms.
“Core Season” means the period of December 7, 2025 through April 17, 2026, which shall be deemed to consist of one hundred thirty-two (132) days.
“Domestic Partner” means your spouse or domestic partner who lives in the same Permanent Residence.
“Family Member” means your child, Domestic Partner, brother, sister, father, mother, stepchild, step-brother, step-sister, step-parents, legal guardian, foster child, ward or legal ward.
“Fixed Season Pass” means a season pass that gives the holder a fixed number of days to use the pass throughout the season, usually ranging from one (1) to ten (10) days. A list of Fixed Season Passes can be found here.
“General Season Pass” means a season pass that is not limited to a fixed number of days during the season, such as an EPIC Pass or EPIC Local Pass. A list of General Season Passes can be found here.
“Season Pass” or “Pass” means a Fixed Season Pass or a General Season Pass.
“Partner Resort” means a resort on the list of Partner Resorts found here.
“Permanent Residence” means your fixed, permanent and principal home for legal and tax purposes.
“Physician” means a licensed medical provider practicing in the fields of medical, surgical, dental, or psychiatric services who is acting within the scope of their license and who is not you, a traveling companion, a Family Member, a person related to you or a business partner.
“Priority Day” means one or more days in the Core Season that you may designate for EPIC Coverage protection. The maximum number of Priority Days for each Pass is the lesser of (i) the number of days available on your pass, and (ii) seven (7).
“Purchase Price” means the amount you paid for your Season Pass, net of any taxes, discounts, promotions, or credits.
“Reservation System” means an online system in which pass holders are required to reserve dates to ski or ride at resorts, and which is in effect for the entire Core Season and for all North American resorts owned and operated by Vail Resorts.
“Natural Disaster” means the occurrence of a flood, hurricane, tornado, earthquake, fire, or volcanic eruption.
“Vail Resorts” means the Vail Corporation, doing business as Vail Resorts Management Company, including any of its subsidiaries and affiliates.
“Vail Resorts Parties” means Vail Resorts and each of its resorts, subsidiaries, affiliates, and their respective officers, directors, employees, contractors, representatives and agents, together with each Partner Resort and their operators, subsidiaries, or affiliates and each of their respective officers, directors, employees, contractors, representatives and agents.
1. EPIC Coverage Only. Your Season Pass is NON-REFUNDABLE unless it qualifies for a full or partial refund under these Terms because of a Priority Day Cancellation Event, an Extended Resort Closure Event, or a Qualifying Personal Event (each as defined below, together the “Qualifying Events”). You will not be eligible for a refund for any other reason, including but not limited to the following:
a. Weather and Wind. You will not be eligible for a refund based on any inability to use your Pass due to weather-related or wind-related events, including snow levels.
b. Transportation Issues. You will not be eligible for a refund based on any inability to use your Pass due to any road closures, traffic issues, parking constraints, flight cancellations, or transportation issues.
c. Vaccine Requirements. You will not be eligible for a refund based on any inability to use your Pass due to any federal, provincial, state, or local vaccine requirement, or any vaccine passport or other proof or attestation of vaccination required by any governmental or private entity.
d. Psychological Conditions. Except as set forth in Section E, you will not be eligible for a refund based on any inability to use your Pass due to any mental health, nervous, or psychological conditions.
e. Reservations. Except as set forth in Section F, you will not be eligible for a refund in the event that reservations are required to ski or ride at a resort owned and operated by Vail Resorts.
f. Guest Experience. You will not be eligible for a refund based on your guest experience at any resorts, facilities, or amenities, including with respect to any parking-related matters (such as parking constraints, reservation requirements, or fees), lift closures, the inability to use or access any terrain, or the inability to use or access any resorts, facilities, or amenities (except for qualifying Resort Closure Events as set forth in these Terms).
g. Criminal Acts. You will not be eligible for a refund based on an inability to use your Pass due to any criminal acts you commit.
h. Pass Revocation. You will not be eligible for a refund based on any inability to use your Pass due to your Pass being revoked, confiscated, canceled, and/or de-activated because Vail Resorts, its Partner Resorts, or the ski area operator determined, in their sole and exclusive judgment, that you acted in a manner that could endanger the safety or health of any person, violated any law or resort or facility policy, engaged in any fraud, misconduct, or malfeasance, created a nuisance, failed to pay any amounts due for your Pass, or for other good cause.
2. No EPIC Coverage for Partner Resorts. Only resorts owned and operated by Vail Resorts are covered by EPIC Coverage. EPIC Coverage does not provide refunds related to any Partner Resorts or in connection with any matters concerning Partner Resorts.
3. No EPIC Coverage for Australian or European Resorts. Only North American resorts are covered by EPIC Coverage. EPIC Coverage does not provide refunds related to any resorts in Australia or Europe or in connection with any matters concerning any resorts in Australia or Europe.
4. No Days Remaining on Fixed Season Pass. You will not be eligible for any refunds if you have used all of the days on your Fixed Season Pass.
5. Single Refund Eligibility. In the event you submit multiple timely and valid requests for refunds, Vail Resorts will process the request that provides the highest available refund amount under these Terms and all other requests will be rejected and null and void.
6. Epic®Flexpay Refunds. If you qualify for a full or partial refund under these Terms and using Epic®Flexpay, Vail Resorts will process your refund in accordance with these Terms and issue any refund directly to the purchaser of the eligible Season Pass. Epic®Flexpay is a buy now, pay later payment option offered through Upgrade, Inc. (“Upgrade”), a third-party lender. Vail Resorts is not a party to your financing arrangement with Upgrade and expressly disclaims all responsibility and liability relating to or arising in any way from your relationship with Upgrade. More information on Upgrade’s terms may be found here.
7. Maximum Refund. In no event shall any refund exceed the Purchase Price of your Season Pass.
1. Choose Core Season or Priority Days. EPIC Coverage is designed to provide individualized refund protection, and you may elect either the “Core Season” or “Priority Day” option. Your election impacts the amount of refund you are eligible to receive under these Terms if a Qualifying Event occurs. If you make a Core Season election, you must also make either a “Primary Resort” or “All Resorts” election under EPIC Coverage. Some resorts may not be available for selection as a Primary Resort.
2. Making your Election. You may make your election under EPIC Coverage through the “My Account” section online at epicpass.com or by calling 970.754.0057. The ability to make your elections may not be available at the time of your purchase, but will be made available prior to the start of the Core Season.
3. Deadline to Make or Change your Election. Prior to the start of the Core Season, Vail Resorts will provide instructions via email regarding how you may make, update, or change your elections. If you purchase more than one Season Pass and any of those Passes are upgraded or refunded, in part or in full, your elections on all remaining Passes will automatically revert to the Default Election as set forth in Section C.4.
4. Default Elections. Your elections will automatically be set to the “Core Season” and “All Resorts” elections under EPIC Coverage upon your purchase. These elections will govern until such time as Vail Resorts makes alternative elections available and you select such alternative elections, if you so choose. If you have not made any alternative elections under EPIC Coverage before the applicable deadlines for doing so, your elections will remain automatically set to the “Core Season” and “All Resorts” elections under EPIC Coverage.
1. Refund Eligibility. You may be eligible for a “Closure and Cancellation Refund” (or “C&C Refund”) if a Priority Day Cancellation Event or an Extended Resort Closure Event occurs.
a. A “Priority Day Cancellation Event” occurs when Vail Resorts cancels one or more of your Priority Days due to a Resort Closure Event.
b. A “Resort Closure Event” occurs at a resort when no lifts are operating at that resort due to one or more of the following reasons:
i. The occurrence of a disease, epidemic, or pandemic, including COVID-19 pandemic;
ii. The occurrence of a Natural Disaster;
iii. The occurrence of a terrorist attack; or
v. The occurrence of a hostile or war-like action.
c. An “Extended Resort Closure Event” occurs if you elect Core Season and one of the following occurs:
i. You elected a Primary Resort and the Primary Resort you selected is closed for seven (7) or more consecutive days during the Core Season due to a Resort Closure Event.
ii. You purchased an EPIC Pass, EPIC Local Pass, EPIC Military Pass, or EPIC Day Pass, elected All Resorts, and all of the following ten resorts are simultaneously closed for seven (7) or more consecutive days during the Core Season due to a Resort Closure Event: Vail, Whistler Blackcomb, Breckenridge, Beaver Creek, Crested Butte, Keystone, Park City, Heavenly, NorthStar and Kirkwood.
iii. You purchased a Northeast Value Pass, elected All Resorts, and all of the following five resorts are simultaneously closed for seven (7) or more consecutive days during the Core Season due to a Resort Closure Event: Stowe, Mount Snow, Hunter, Okemo and Mount Sunapee.
iv. You purchased any Season Pass other than those identified in Section D.1.c(i)-(iii) above, elected All Resorts, and all of the resorts to which your Pass provides free access for six (6) or more days during the Core Season are simultaneously closed for seven (7) or more consecutive days during the Core Season due to a Resort Closure Event.
Your eligibility for a refund and the amount of any refund due to an Extended Resort Closure Event is specific to the Extended Resort Closure Event applicable to the Pass you purchased and elections you made.
2. Refund Amount. If you are eligible for a C&C Refund, the amount of your refund will be a percentage of your Purchase Price (i.e., the “C&C Refund Percentage”). The use of your Season Pass at Partner Resorts or outside of the Core Season, including during early season skiing or riding with EDGE Cards (or other products with similar offerings), will count towards the number of days you have used your Pass for purposes of determining the amount of any refund for which you may be eligible. If your C&C Refund Percentage as determined by the applicable formula below is zero or a negative number, you will not receive any refund.
a. Core Season Election or Default with General Season Pass. If you have a General Season Pass and elected or defaulted into Core Season coverage, your C&C Refund Percentage will be calculated based on the following formula:
b. Core Season Elections or Default with Fixed Season Pass. If you have a Fixed Season Pass and elected or defaulted into Core Season coverage, your C&C Refund Percentage will be the lesser of: (i) the percentage of days lost in the Core Season due to Extended Resort Closure Events, and (ii) one minus the number of days you used your Pass divided by the number of days available on your Pass up to a maximum of seven (7), as reflected in the following formula:
c. All Others. If you did not elect or default into Core Season coverage, your C&C Refund Percentage will be calculated based on the following formula:
3. C&C Refund Processing. No action is required of you if you are eligible to receive a C&C Refund. Vail Resorts will calculate, process, and notify you of your C&C Refund between May 1, 2026, and May 31, 2026.
4. No Access After Refund. If you receive any C&C Refund, the Pass for which you received the refund will cease to be valid and you will no longer be able to use the Pass to access any resorts or receive any other ancillary Pass benefits for the remainder of the 2025/26 season.
1. Refund Eligibility. You may be eligible for a “Personal Event Refund” if you are prevented from using your Pass during the Core Season due to a “Qualifying Personal Event.” A Qualifying Personal Event is one or more of the following:
ii. You are unable to use your Pass during the Core Season because you or your Domestic Partner are pregnant and a Physician (i) admits you or your Domestic Partner to the hospital for thirty (30) or more consecutive days, at least seven (7) days of which are during the Core Season or (ii) advises you or your Domestic Partner not to ski or ride.
s. Minor Dependent. You are under the age of eighteen (18) and are unable to use your Pass because a Family Member who lives in the same Permanent Residence as you has experienced a Qualifying Personal Event.
Number of Days Pass Was Used |
Refund Percentage |
0 Days |
100% of Purchase Price |
1 Day |
86% of Purchase Price |
2 Days |
71% of Purchase Price |
3 Days |
57% of Purchase Price |
4 Days |
43% of Purchase Price |
5 Days |
28% of Purchase Price |
6 Days |
14% of Purchase Price |
7 or More Days |
0% of Purchase Price |
b. Fixed Season Pass. If you purchased a Fixed Season Pass, your Personal Event Refund Percentage is one minus the number of days you used your Pass divided by the number of days available on your Pass up to a maximum of seven (7), as reflected in the following formula:
3. How to Request a Personal Event Refund.
a. Time Limitations. You must submit your request for a Personal Event Refund within thirty (30) days of when the Qualifying Personal Event arises. Untimely submissions may be rejected.
b. Form of Request. You must submit any request for a Personal Event Refund either by calling 1-877-895-1297 or by submitting a claim online through the refund request page: https://intake.sedgwick.com/u/Vail. When submitting your request by phone, you must provide your name, the type of Pass you purchased, your Pass identification number, along with a description of the Qualifying Personal Event and reasonable proof to verify the occurrence of the Qualifying Personal Event. Improper submissions may be rejected.
c. Proof Requirements. Vail Resorts reserves the right to require you to submit proof to verify and establish the Qualifying Personal Event that is the basis for which you request a refund. This proof may include Physician verifications, videos, photos, travel documents, or other material we deem necessary to evaluate your refund request. You have an obligation to cooperate with us in our efforts to verify your Qualifying Personal Event, and we reserve the right to deny your refund request if you fail to do so. If you are unable or unwilling to provide acceptable proof of a Qualifying Personal Event (as determined in our sole and absolute discretion) we reserve the right to deny your refund request. By providing any proof, you represent and warrant that you are fully authorized and empowered to provide such proof and hereby waive, release, and indemnify Vail Resorts for any claims of any kind relating to or arising out of your provision of such proof.
4. No Access After Refund. If you receive any Personal Event Refund, the Pass for which you received the refund will cease to be valid and you will no longer be able to use the Pass to access any resorts or receive any other ancillary Pass benefits for the remainder of the 2025/26 season.
1. Reservation System. If Vail Resorts implements a Reservation System, the additional terms and conditions in this Section F will apply as of the date Vail Resorts publicly announces the Reservation System (the “Reservation System Effective Date”). You will not be eligible for a refund due to the Reservation System or any other reservation requirements for the resorts, except as set forth in this Section F. If a Reservation System is implemented, the general limitation on refund eligibility in Section B shall apply to the extent they do not conflict with the terms of this Section F.
2. Reservation System Refund Process. If Vail Resorts implements a Reservation System on or before December 5, 2025, and you purchased your Pass before the Reservation System Effective Date, you will have two (2) weeks from the Reservation System Effective Date to request a refund. Vail Resorts will provide a form and instructions for submitting such a refund request on epicpass.com. You must submit your refund request through the method provided. Once your refund is issued, your Pass will be deactivated and you will no longer have access to any resorts, facilities, amenities or benefits. If you do not submit a refund request in the designated manner within two (2) weeks of the Reservation System Effective Date, you will not be entitled to a refund.
3. If Vail Resorts implements a Reservation System, then the definition of a Priority Day Cancellation Event in Section D.1.a is amended as follows: “Priority Day Cancellation Event” occurs when Vail Resorts cancels one or more of your Priority Days due to a Resort Closure Event or a resort capacity constraint due to physical distancing requirements on lifts and gondolas or other public health requirements.
2024/25 EPIC Coverage Refund Policy Terms & Conditions
Last Updated: March 5, 2024
Please read these terms and conditions (“Terms”) carefully. These Terms (in their entirety) form a binding agreement between you and the Vail Corporation d/b/a Vail Resorts Management Company, including its subsidiaries and affiliates (“Vail Resorts”, “we” or “us”).
1. EPIC Coverage. The EPIC Coverage Refund Policy (“EPIC Coverage”) is Vail Resorts’ refund policy for all Season Passes. All Season Passes are NON-REFUNDABLE except as set forth in these Terms. EPIC Coverage applies only to Season Passes. It does not apply to any other lift access products.
2. Definitions. The following definitions apply to these Terms.
“Core Season” means the period of December 7, 2024 through April 17, 2025, which shall be deemed to consist of one hundred thirty-two (132) days.
“Domestic Partner” means your spouse or domestic partner who lives in the same Permanent Residence.
“Family Member” means your child, Domestic Partner, brother, sister, father, mother, stepchild, step-brother, step-sister, step-parents, legal guardian, foster child, ward or legal ward.
“Fixed Season Pass” means a season pass that gives the holder a fixed number of days to use the pass throughout the season, usually ranging from one (1) to ten (10) days. A list of Fixed Season Passes can be found here.
“General Season Pass” means a season pass that is not limited to a fixed number of days during the season, such as an EPIC Pass or EPIC Local Pass. A list of General Season Passes can be found here.
“Season Pass” or “Pass” means a Fixed Season Pass or a General Season Pass.
“Partner Resort” means a resort on the list of Partner Resorts found here.
“Permanent Residence” means your fixed, permanent and principal home for legal and tax purposes.
“Physician” means a licensed medical provider practicing in the fields of medical, surgical, dental, or psychiatric services who is acting within the scope of their license and who is not you, a traveling companion, a Family Member, a person related to you or a business partner.
“Priority Day” means one or more days in the Core Season that you may designate for EPIC Coverage protection. The maximum number of Priority Days for each Pass is the lesser of (i) the number of days available on your pass, and (ii) seven (7).
“Purchase Price” means the amount you paid for your Season Pass, net of any taxes, discounts, promotions, or credits.
“Reservation System” means an online system in which pass holders are required to reserve dates to ski or ride at resorts, and which is in effect for the entire Core Season and for all North American resorts owned and operated by Vail Resorts.
“Natural Disaster” means the occurrence of a flood, hurricane, tornado, earthquake, fire, or volcanic eruption.
“Vail Resorts” means the Vail Corporation, doing business as Vail Resorts Management Company, including any of its subsidiaries and affiliates.
“Vail Resorts Parties” means Vail Resorts and each of its resorts, subsidiaries, affiliates, and their respective officers, directors, employees, contractors, representatives and agents, together with each Partner Resort and their operators, subsidiaries, or affiliates and each of their respective officers, directors, employees, contractors, representatives and agents.
1. EPIC Coverage Only. Your Season Pass is NON-REFUNDABLE unless it qualifies for a full or partial refund under these Terms because of a Priority Day Cancellation Event, an Extended Resort Closure Event, or a Qualifying Personal Event (each as defined below, together the “Qualifying Events”). You will not be eligible for a refund for any other reason, including but not limited to the following:
a. Weather and Wind. You will not be eligible for a refund based on any inability to use your Pass due to weather-related or wind-related events, including snow levels.
b. Transportation Issues. You will not be eligible for a refund based on any inability to use your Pass due to any road closures, traffic issues, parking constraints, flight cancellations, or transportation issues.
c. Vaccine Requirements. You will not be eligible for a refund based on any inability to use your Pass due to any federal, provincial, state, or local vaccine requirement, or any vaccine passport or other proof or attestation of vaccination required by any governmental or private entity.
d. Psychological Conditions. Except as set forth in Section E, you will not be eligible for a refund based on any inability to use your Pass due to any mental health, nervous, or psychological conditions.
e. Reservations. Except as set forth in Section F, you will not be eligible for a refund in the event that reservations are required to ski or ride at a resort owned and operated by Vail Resorts.
f. Guest Experience. You will not be eligible for a refund based on your guest experience at any resorts, facilities, or amenities, including with respect to any parking-related matters (such as parking constraints, reservation requirements, or fees), lift closures, the inability to use or access any terrain, or the inability to use or access any resorts, facilities, or amenities (except for qualifying Resort Closure Events as set forth in these Terms).
g. Criminal Acts. You will not be eligible for a refund based on an inability to use your Pass due to any criminal acts you commit.
h. Pass Revocation. You will not be eligible for a refund based on any inability to use your Pass due to your Pass being revoked, confiscated, canceled, and/or de-activated because Vail Resorts, its Partner Resorts, or the ski area operator determined, in their sole and exclusive judgment, that you acted in a manner that could endanger the safety or health of any person, violated any law or resort or facility policy, engaged in any fraud, misconduct, or malfeasance, created a nuisance, failed to pay any amounts due for your Pass, or for other good cause.
2. No EPIC Coverage for Partner Resorts. Only resorts owned and operated by Vail Resorts are covered by EPIC Coverage. EPIC Coverage does not provide refunds related to any Partner Resorts or in connection with any matters concerning Partner Resorts.
3. No EPIC Coverage for Australian or European Resorts. Only North American resorts are covered by EPIC Coverage. EPIC Coverage does not provide refunds related to any resorts in Australia or Europe or in connection with any matters concerning any resorts in Australia or Europe.
4. No Days Remaining on Fixed Season Pass. You will not be eligible for any refunds if you have used all of the days on your Fixed Season Pass.
5. Single Refund Eligibility. In the event you submit multiple timely and valid requests for refunds, Vail Resorts will process the request that provides the highest available refund amount under these Terms and all other requests will be rejected and null and void.
6. Epic®Flexpay Refunds. If you qualify for a full or partial refund under these Terms and using Epic®Flexpay, Vail Resorts will process your refund in accordance with these Terms and issue any refund directly to the purchaser of the eligible Season Pass. Epic®Flexpay is a buy now, pay later payment option offered through Uplift, Inc. (“Uplift”), a third-party lender. Vail Resorts is not a party to your financing arrangement with Uplift and expressly disclaims all responsibility and liability relating to or arising in any way from your relationship with Uplift. More information on Uplift’s terms may be found here.
7. Maximum Refund. In no event shall any refund exceed the Purchase Price of your Season Pass.
1. Choose Core Season or Priority Days. EPIC Coverage is designed to provide individualized refund protection, and you may elect either the “Core Season” or “Priority Day” option. Your election impacts the amount of refund you are eligible to receive under these Terms if a Qualifying Event occurs. If you make a Core Season election, you must also make either a “Primary Resort” or “All Resorts” election under EPIC Coverage. Some resorts may not be available for selection as a Primary Resort.
2. Making your Election. You may make your election under EPIC Coverage through the “My Account” section online at epicpass.com or by calling 970.754.0057. The ability to make your elections may not be available at the time of your purchase, but will be made available prior to the start of the Core Season.
3. Deadline to Make or Change your Election. Prior to the start of the Core Season, Vail Resorts will provide instructions via email regarding how you may make, update, or change your elections. If you purchase more than one Season Pass and any of those Passes are upgraded or refunded, in part or in full, your elections on all remaining Passes will automatically revert to the Default Election as set forth in Section C.4.
4. Default Elections. Your elections will automatically be set to the “Core Season” and “All Resorts” elections under EPIC Coverage upon your purchase. These elections will govern until such time as Vail Resorts makes alternative elections available and you select such alternative elections, if you so choose. If you have not made any alternative elections under EPIC Coverage before the applicable deadlines for doing so, your elections will remain automatically set to the “Core Season” and “All Resorts” elections under EPIC Coverage.
1. Refund Eligibility. You may be eligible for a “Closure and Cancellation Refund” (or “C&C Refund”) if a Priority Day Cancellation Event or an Extended Resort Closure Event occurs.
a. A “Priority Day Cancellation Event” occurs when Vail Resorts cancels one or more of your Priority Days due to a Resort Closure Event.
b. A “Resort Closure Event” occurs at a resort when no lifts are operating at that resort due to one or more of the following reasons:
i. The occurrence of a disease, epidemic, or pandemic, including COVID-19 pandemic;
ii. The occurrence of a Natural Disaster;
iii. The occurrence of a terrorist attack; or
v. The occurrence of a hostile or war-like action.
c. An “Extended Resort Closure Event” occurs if you elect Core Season and one of the following occurs:
i. You elected a Primary Resort and the Primary Resort you selected is closed for seven (7) or more consecutive days during the Core Season due to a Resort Closure Event.
ii. You purchased an EPIC Pass, EPIC Local Pass, EPIC Military Pass, or EPIC Day Pass, elected All Resorts, and all of the following ten resorts are simultaneously closed for seven (7) or more consecutive days during the Core Season due to a Resort Closure Event: Vail, Whistler Blackcomb, Breckenridge, Beaver Creek, Crested Butte, Keystone, Park City, Heavenly, NorthStar and Kirkwood.
iii. You purchased a Northeast Value Pass, elected All Resorts, and all of the following five resorts are simultaneously closed for seven (7) or more consecutive days during the Core Season due to a Resort Closure Event: Stowe, Mount Snow, Hunter, Okemo and Mount Sunapee.
iv. You purchased any Season Pass other than those identified in Section D.1.c(i)-(iii) above, elected All Resorts, and all of the resorts to which your Pass provides free access for six (6) or more days during the Core Season are simultaneously closed for seven (7) or more consecutive days during the Core Season due to a Resort Closure Event.
Your eligibility for a refund and the amount of any refund due to an Extended Resort Closure Event is specific to the Extended Resort Closure Event applicable to the Pass you purchased and elections you made.
2. Refund Amount. If you are eligible for a C&C Refund, the amount of your refund will be a percentage of your Purchase Price (i.e., the “C&C Refund Percentage”). The use of your Season Pass at Partner Resorts or outside of the Core Season, including during early season skiing or riding with EDGE Cards (or other products with similar offerings), will count towards the number of days you have used your Pass for purposes of determining the amount of any refund for which you may be eligible. If your C&C Refund Percentage as determined by the applicable formula below is zero or a negative number, you will not receive any refund.
a. Core Season Election or Default with General Season Pass. If you have a General Season Pass and elected or defaulted into Core Season coverage, your C&C Refund Percentage will be calculated based on the following formula:
b. Core Season Elections or Default with Fixed Season Pass. If you have a Fixed Season Pass and elected or defaulted into Core Season coverage, your C&C Refund Percentage will be the lesser of: (i) the percentage of days lost in the Core Season due to Extended Resort Closure Events, and (ii) one minus the number of days you used your Pass divided by the number of days available on your Pass up to a maximum of seven (7), as reflected in the following formula:
c. All Others. If you did not elect or default into Core Season coverage, your C&C Refund Percentage will be calculated based on the following formula:
3. C&C Refund Processing. No action is required of you if you are eligible to receive a C&C Refund. Vail Resorts will calculate, process, and notify you of your C&C Refund between May 1, 2025, and May 31, 2025.
4. No Access After Refund. If you receive any C&C Refund, the Pass for which you received the refund will cease to be valid and you will no longer be able to use the Pass to access any resorts or receive any other ancillary Pass benefits for the remainder of the 2024/25 season.
1. Refund Eligibility. You may be eligible for a “Personal Event Refund” if you are prevented from using your Pass during the Core Season due to a “Qualifying Personal Event.” A Qualifying Personal Event is one or more of the following:
ii. You are unable to use your Pass during the Core Season because you or your Domestic Partner are pregnant and a Physician (i) admits you or your Domestic Partner to the hospital for thirty (30) or more consecutive days, at least seven (7) days of which are during the Core Season or (ii) advises you or your Domestic Partner not to ski or ride.
s. Minor Dependent. You are under the age of eighteen (18) and are unable to use your Pass because a Family Member who lives in the same Permanent Residence as you has experienced a Qualifying Personal Event.
Number of Days Pass Was Used |
Refund Percentage |
0 Days |
100% of Purchase Price |
1 Day |
86% of Purchase Price |
2 Days |
71% of Purchase Price |
3 Days |
57% of Purchase Price |
4 Days |
43% of Purchase Price |
5 Days |
28% of Purchase Price |
6 Days |
14% of Purchase Price |
7 or More Days |
0% of Purchase Price |
b. Fixed Season Pass. If you purchased a Fixed Season Pass, your Personal Event Refund Percentage is one minus the number of days you used your Pass divided by the number of days available on your Pass up to a maximum of seven (7), as reflected in the following formula:
3. How to Request for a Personal Event Refund.
a. Time Limitations. You must submit your request for a Personal Event Refund within thirty (30) days of when the Qualifying Personal Event arises. Untimely submissions may be rejected.
b. Form of Request. You must submit any request for a Personal Event Refund either by calling 1-877-895-1297 or by submitting a claim online through the refund request page: https://intake.sedgwick.com/u/Vail. When submitting your request by phone, you must provide your name, the type of Pass you purchased, your Pass identification number, along with a description of the Qualifying Personal Event and reasonable proof to verify the occurrence of the Qualifying Personal Event. Improper submissions may be rejected.
c. Proof Requirements. Vail Resorts reserves the right to require you to submit proof to verify and establish the Qualifying Personal Event that is the basis for which you request a refund. This proof may include Physician verifications, videos, photos, travel documents, or other material we deem necessary to evaluate your refund request. You have an obligation to cooperate with us in our efforts to verify your Qualifying Personal Event, and we reserve the right to deny your refund request if you fail to do so. If you are unable or unwilling to provide acceptable proof of a Qualifying Personal Event (as determined in our sole and absolute discretion) we reserve the right to deny your refund request. By providing any proof, you represent and warrant that you are fully authorized and empowered to provide such proof and hereby waive, release, and indemnify Vail Resorts for any claims of any kind relating to or arising out of your provision of such proof.
4. No Access After Refund. If you receive any Personal Event Refund, the Pass for which you received the refund will cease to be valid and you will no longer be able to use the Pass to access any resorts or receive any other ancillary Pass benefits for the remainder of the 2024/25 season.
1. Reservation System. If Vail Resorts implements a Reservation System, the additional terms and conditions in this Section F will apply as of the date Vail Resorts publicly announces the Reservation System (the “Reservation System Effective Date”). You will not be eligible for a refund due to the Reservation System or any other reservation requirements for the resorts, except as set forth in this Section F. If a Reservation System is implemented, the general limitation on refund eligibility in Section B shall apply to the extent they do not conflict with the terms of this Section F.
2. Reservation System Refund Process. If Vail Resorts implements a Reservation System on or before December 5, 2024, and you purchased your Pass before the Reservation System Effective Date, you will have two (2) weeks from the Reservation System Effective Date to request a refund. Vail Resorts will provide a form and instructions for submitting such a refund request on epicpass.com. You must submit your refund request through the method provided. Once your refund is issued, your Pass will be deactivated and you will no longer have access to any resorts, facilities, amenities or benefits. If you do not submit a refund request in the designated manner within two (2) weeks of the Reservation System Effective Date, you will not be entitled to a refund.
3. If Vail Resorts implements a Reservation System, then the definition of a Priority Day Cancellation Event in Section D.1.a is amended as follows: “Priority Day Cancellation Event” occurs when Vail Resorts cancels one or more of your Priority Days due to a Resort Closure Event or a resort capacity constraint due to physical distancing requirements on lifts and gondolas or other public health requirements.
2023/24 EPIC Coverage Refund Policy Terms & Conditions
Last Updated: March 7, 2023
Please read these terms and conditions (“Terms”) carefully. These Terms (in their entirety) form a binding agreement between you and the Vail Corporation d/b/a Vail Resorts Management Company, including its subsidiaries and affiliates (“Vail Resorts”, “we” or “us”).
1. EPIC Coverage. The EPIC Coverage Refund Policy (“EPIC Coverage”) is Vail Resorts’ refund policy for all Season Passes. All Season Passes are NON-REFUNDABLE except as set forth in these Terms. EPIC Coverage applies only to Season Passes. It does not apply to any other lift access products.
2. Definitions. The following definitions apply to these Terms.
“Core Season” means the period of December 7, 2023 through April 17, 2024, which shall be deemed to consist of one hundred thirty-two (132) days.
“Domestic Partner” means your spouse or domestic partner who lives in the same Permanent Residence.
“Family Member” means your child, Domestic Partner, brother, sister, father, mother, stepchild, step-brother, step-sister, step-parents, legal guardian, foster child, ward or legal ward.
“Fixed Season Pass” means a season pass that gives the holder a fixed number of days to use the pass throughout the season, usually ranging from one (1) to ten (10) days. A list of Fixed Season Passes can be found here.
“General Season Pass” means a season pass that is not limited to a fixed number of days during the season, such as an EPIC Pass or EPIC Local Pass. A list of General Season Passes can be foundhere.
“Season Pass” or “Pass” means a Fixed Season Pass or a General Season Pass.
“Partner Resort” means a resort on the list of Partner Resorts found here.
“Permanent Residence” means your fixed, permanent and principal home for legal and tax purposes.
“Physician” means a licensed medical provider practicing in the fields of medical, surgical, dental, or psychiatric services who is acting within the scope of their license and who is not you, a traveling companion, a Family Member, a person related to you or a business partner.
“Priority Day” means one or more days in the Core Season that you may designate for EPIC Coverage protection. The maximum number of Priority Days for each Pass is the lesser of (i) the number of days available on your pass, and (ii) seven (7).
“Purchase Price” means the amount you paid for your Season Pass, net of any taxes, discounts, promotions, or credits.
“Reservation System” means an online system in which pass holders are required to reserve dates to ski or ride at resorts, and which is in effect for the entire Core Season and for all North American resorts owned and operated by Vail Resorts.
“Natural Disaster” means the occurrence of a flood, hurricane, tornado, earthquake, fire, or volcanic eruption.
“Vail Resorts” means the Vail Corporation, doing business as Vail Resorts Management Company, including any of its subsidiaries and affiliates.
“Vail Resorts Parties” means Vail Resorts and each of its resorts, subsidiaries, affiliates, and their respective officers, directors, employees, contractors, representatives and agents, together with each Partner Resort and their operators, subsidiaries, or affiliates and each of their respective officers, directors, employees, contractors, representatives and agents.
1. EPIC Coverage Only. Your Season Pass is NON-REFUNDABLE unless it qualifies for a full or partial refund under these Terms because of a Priority Day Cancellation Event, an Extended Resort Closure Event, or a Qualifying Personal Event (each as defined below, together the “Qualifying Events”). You will not be eligible for a refund for any other reason, including but not limited to the following:
a. Weather and Wind. You will not be eligible for a refund based on any inability to use your Pass due to weather-related or wind-related events, including snow levels.
b. Transportation Issues. You will not be eligible for a refund based on any inability to use your Pass due to any road closures, traffic issues, parking constraints, flight cancellations, or transportation issues.
c. Vaccine Requirements. You will not be eligible for a refund based on any inability to use your Pass due to any federal, provincial, state, or local vaccine requirement, or any vaccine passport or other proof or attestation of vaccination required by any governmental or private entity.
d. Psychological Conditions. Except as set forth in Section E, you will not be eligible for a refund based on any inability to use your Pass due to any mental health, nervous, or psychological conditions.
e. Reservations. Except as set forth in Section F, you will not be eligible for a refund in the event that reservations are required to ski or ride at a resort owned and operated by Vail Resorts.
f. Guest Experience. You will not be eligible for a refund based on your guest experience at any resorts, facilities, or amenities, including with respect to any parking-related matters (such as parking constraints, reservation requirements, or fees), lift closures, the inability to use or access any terrain, or the inability to use or access any resorts, facilities, or amenities (except for qualifying Resort Closure Events as set forth in these Terms).
g. Criminal Acts. You will not be eligible for a refund based on an inability to use your Pass due to any criminal acts you commit.
h. Pass Revocation. You will not be eligible for a refund based on any inability to use your Pass due to your Pass being revoked, confiscated, canceled, and/or de-activated because Vail Resorts, its Partner Resorts, or the ski area operator determined, in their sole and exclusive judgment, that you acted in a manner that could endanger the safety or health of any person, violated any law or resort or facility policy, engaged in any fraud, misconduct, or malfeasance, created a nuisance, failed to pay any amounts due for your Pass, or for other good cause.
2. No EPIC Coverage for Partner Resorts. Only resorts owned and operated by Vail Resorts are covered by EPIC Coverage. EPIC Coverage does not provide refunds related to any Partner Resorts or in connection with any matters concerning Partner Resorts.
3. No EPIC Coverage for Australian or European Resorts. Only North American resorts are covered by EPIC Coverage. EPIC Coverage does not provide refunds related to any resorts in Australia or Europe or in connection with any matters concerning any resorts in Australia or Europe.
4. No Days Remaining on Fixed Season Pass. You will not be eligible for any refunds if you have used all of the days on your Fixed Season Pass.
5. Single Refund Eligibility. In the event you submit multiple timely and valid requests for refunds, Vail Resorts will process the request that provides the highest available refund amount under these Terms and all other requests will be rejected and null and void.
6. Epic®Flexpay Refunds. If you qualify for a full or partial refund under these Terms and using Epic®Flexpay, Vail Resorts will process your refund in accordance with these Terms and issue any refund directly to the purchaser of the eligible Season Pass. Epic®Flexpay is a buy now, pay later payment option offered through Uplift, Inc. (“Uplift”), a third-party lender. Vail Resorts is not a party to your financing arrangement with Uplift and expressly disclaims all responsibility and liability relating to or arising in any way from your relationship with Uplift. More information on Uplift’s terms may be found here.
7. Maximum Refund. In no event shall any refund exceed the Purchase Price of your Season Pass.
1. Choose Core Season or Priority Days. EPIC Coverage is designed to provide individualized refund protection, and you may elect either the “Core Season” or “Priority Day” option. Your election impacts the amount of refund you are eligible to receive under these Terms if a Qualifying Event occurs. If you make a Core Season election, you must also make either a “Primary Resort” or “All Resorts” election under EPIC Coverage. Some resorts may not be available for selection as a Primary Resort.
2. Making your Election. You may make your election under EPIC Coverage through the “My Account” section online at epicpass.com or by calling 970.754.0057. The ability to make your elections may not be available at the time of your purchase, but will be made available prior to the start of the Core Season.
3. Deadline to Make or Change your Election. Prior to the start of the Core Season, Vail Resorts will provide instructions via email regarding how you may make, update, or change your elections. If you purchase more than one Season Pass and any of those Passes are upgraded or refunded, in part or in full, your elections on all remaining Passes will automatically revert to the Default Election as set forth in Section C.4.
4. Default Elections. Your elections will automatically be set to the “Core Season” and “All Resorts” elections under EPIC Coverage upon your purchase. These elections will govern until such time as Vail Resorts makes alternative elections available and you select such alternative elections, if you so choose. If you have not made any alternative elections under EPIC Coverage before the applicable deadlines for doing so, your elections will remain automatically set to the “Core Season” and “All Resorts” elections under EPIC Coverage.
1. Refund Eligibility. You may be eligible for a “Closure and Cancellation Refund” (or “C&C Refund”) if a Priority Day Cancellation Event or an Extended Resort Closure Event occurs.
a. A “Priority Day Cancellation Event” occurs when Vail Resorts cancels one or more of your Priority Days due to a Resort Closure Event.
b. A “Resort Closure Event” occurs at a resort when no lifts are operating at that resort due to one or more of the following reasons:
i. The occurrence of a disease, epidemic, or pandemic, including COVID-19 pandemic;
ii. The occurrence of a Natural Disaster;
iii. The occurrence of a terrorist attack; or
v. The occurrence of a hostile or war-like action.
c. An “Extended Resort Closure Event” occurs if you elect Core Season and one of the following occurs:
i. You elected a Primary Resort and the Primary Resort you selected is closed for seven (7) or more consecutive days during the Core Season due to a Resort Closure Event.
ii. You purchased an EPIC Pass, EPIC Local Pass, EPIC Military Pass, or EPIC Day Pass, elected All Resorts, and all of the following ten resorts are simultaneously closed for seven (7) or more consecutive days during the Core Season due to a Resort Closure Event: Vail, Whistler Blackcomb, Breckenridge, Beaver Creek, Crested Butte, Keystone, Park City, Heavenly, NorthStar and Kirkwood.
iii. You purchased a Northeast Value Pass, elected All Resorts, and all of the following five resorts are simultaneously closed for seven (7) or more consecutive days during the Core Season due to a Resort Closure Event: Stowe, Mount Snow, Hunter, Okemo and Mount Sunapee.
iv. You purchased any Season Pass other than those identified in Section D.1.c(i)-(iii) above, elected All Resorts, and all of the resorts to which your Pass provides free access for six (6) or more days during the Core Season are simultaneously closed for seven (7) or more consecutive days during the Core Season due to a Resort Closure Event.
Your eligibility for a refund and the amount of any refund due to an Extended Resort Closure Event is specific to the Extended Resort Closure Event applicable to the Pass you purchased and elections you made.
2. Refund Amount. If you are eligible for a C&C Refund, the amount of your refund will be a percentage of your Purchase Price (i.e., the “C&C Refund Percentage”). The use of your Season Pass at Partner Resorts or outside of the Core Season, including during early season skiing or riding with EDGE Cards (or other products with similar offerings), will count towards the number of days you have used your Pass for purposes of determining the amount of any refund for which you may be eligible. If your C&C Refund Percentage as determined by the applicable formula below is zero or a negative number, you will not receive any refund.
a. Core Season Election or Default with General Season Pass. If you have a General Season Pass and elected or defaulted into Core Season coverage, your C&C Refund Percentage will be calculated based on the following formula:
b. Core Season Elections or Default with Fixed Season Pass. If you have a Fixed Season Pass and elected or defaulted into Core Season coverage, your C&C Refund Percentage will be the lesser of: (i) the percentage of days lost in the Core Season due to Extended Resort Closure Events, and (ii) one minus the number of days you used your Pass divided by the number of days available on your Pass up to a maximum of seven (7), as reflected in the following formula:
c. All Others. If you did not elect or default into Core Season coverage, your C&C Refund Percentage will be calculated based on the following formula:
3. C&C Refund Processing. No action is required of you if you are eligible to receive a C&C Refund. Vail Resorts will calculate, process, and notify you of your C&C Refund between May 1, 2024, and May 31, 2024.
4. No Access After Refund. If you receive any C&C Refund, the Pass for which you received the refund will cease to be valid and you will no longer be able to use the Pass to access any resorts or receive any other ancillary Pass benefits for the remainder of the 2023/24 season.
1. Refund Eligibility. You may be eligible for a “Personal Event Refund” if you are prevented from using your Pass during the Core Season due to a “Qualifying Personal Event.” A Qualifying Personal Event is one or more of the following:
ii. You are unable to use your Pass during the Core Season because you or your Domestic Partner are pregnant and a Physician (i) admits you or your Domestic Partner to the hospital for thirty (30) or more consecutive days, at least seven (7) days of which are during the Core Season or (ii) advises you or your Domestic Partner not to ski or ride.
s. Minor Dependent. You are under the age of eighteen (18) and are unable to use your Pass because a Family Member who lives in the same Permanent Residence as you has experienced a Qualifying Personal Event.
Number of Days Pass Was Used |
Refund Percentage |
0 Days |
100% of Purchase Price |
1 Day |
86% of Purchase Price |
2 Days |
71% of Purchase Price |
3 Days |
57% of Purchase Price |
4 Days |
43% of Purchase Price |
5 Days |
28% of Purchase Price |
6 Days |
14% of Purchase Price |
7 or More Days |
0% of Purchase Price |
b. Fixed Season Pass. If you purchased a Fixed Season Pass, your Personal Event Refund Percentage is one minus the number of days you used your Pass divided by the number of days available on your Pass up to a maximum of seven (7), as reflected in the following formula:
3. How to Request for a Personal Event Refund.
a. Time Limitations. You must submit your request for a Personal Event Refund within thirty (30) days of when the Qualifying Personal Event arises. Untimely submissions may be rejected.
b. Form of Request. You must submit any request for a Personal Event Refund either by calling 1-877-895-1297 or by submitting a claim online through the refund request page: https://intake.sedgwick.com/u/Vail. When submitting your request by phone, you must provide your name, the type of Pass you purchased, your Pass identification number, along with a description of the Qualifying Personal Event and reasonable proof to verify the occurrence of the Qualifying Personal Event. Improper submissions may be rejected.
c. Proof Requirements. Vail Resorts reserves the right to require you to submit proof to verify and establish the Qualifying Personal Event that is the basis for which you request a refund. This proof may include Physician verifications, videos, photos, travel documents, or other material we deem necessary to evaluate your refund request. You have an obligation to cooperate with us in our efforts to verify your Qualifying Personal Event, and we reserve the right to deny your refund request if you fail to do so. If you are unable or unwilling to provide acceptable proof of a Qualifying Personal Event (as determined in our sole and absolute discretion) we reserve the right to deny your refund request. By providing any proof, you represent and warrant that you are fully authorized and empowered to provide such proof and hereby waive, release, and indemnify Vail Resorts for any claims of any kind relating to or arising out of your provision of such proof.
4. No Access After Refund. If you receive any Personal Event Refund, the Pass for which you received the refund will cease to be valid and you will no longer be able to use the Pass to access any resorts or receive any other ancillary Pass benefits for the remainder of the 2023/24 season.
1. Reservation System. If Vail Resorts implements a Reservation System, the additional terms and conditions in this Section F will apply as of the date Vail Resorts publicly announces the Reservation System (the “Reservation System Effective Date”). You will not be eligible for a refund due to the Reservation System or any other reservation requirements for the resorts, except as set forth in this Section F. If a Reservation System is implemented, the general limitation on refund eligibility in Section B shall apply to the extent they do not conflict with the terms of this Section F.
2. Reservation System Refund Process. If Vail Resorts implements a Reservation System on or before December 5, 2023, and you purchased your Pass before the Reservation System Effective Date, you will have two (2) weeks from the Reservation System Effective Date to request a refund. Vail Resorts will provide a form and instructions for submitting such a refund request on epicpass.com. You must submit your refund request through the method provided. Once your refund is issued, your Pass will be deactivated and you will no longer have access to any resorts, facilities, amenities or benefits. If you do not submit a refund request in the designated manner within two (2) weeks of the Reservation System Effective Date, you will not be entitled to a refund.
3. If Vail Resorts implements a Reservation System, then the definition of a Priority Day Cancellation Event in Section D.1.a is amended as follows: “Priority Day Cancellation Event” occurs when Vail Resorts cancels one or more of your Priority Days due to a Resort Closure Event or a resort capacity constraint due to physical distancing requirements on lifts and gondolas or other public health requirements.
2022/23 EPIC Coverage Refund Policy Terms & Conditions
Last Updated: March 21, 2022
Please read these terms and conditions (“Terms”) carefully. These Terms (in their entirety) form a binding agreement between you and the Vail Corporation d/b/a Vail Resorts Management Company, including its subsidiaries and affiliates (“Vail Resorts”, “we” or “us”).
1. EPIC Coverage. The EPIC Coverage Refund Policy (“EPIC Coverage”) is Vail Resorts’ refund policy for all Season Passes. All Season Passes are NON-REFUNDABLE except as set forth in these Terms. EPIC Coverage applies only to Season Passes. It does not apply to any other lift access products.
2. Definitions. The following definitions apply to these Terms.
“Core Season” means the period of December 7, 2023 through April 15, 2024, which shall be deemed to consist of one hundred thirty-two (132) days.
“Credit Rollover” means a Reservation Availability Credit Rollover, C&C Credit Rollover, or Personal Event Credit Rollover.
“Domestic Partner” means your spouse or domestic partner who lives in the same Permanent Residence.
“Family Member” means your child, Domestic Partner, brother, sister, mother, father, step-child, step-brother, step-sister, step-parents, legal guardian, foster child, ward or legal ward.
“Fixed Season Pass” means a season pass that gives the holder a fixed number of days to use the pass throughout the season, usually ranging from one (1) to ten (10) days. A list of Fixed Season Passes can be found here.
“General Season Pass” means a season pass that is not limited to a fixed number of days during the season, such as an EPIC Pass or EPIC Local Pass. A list of General Season Passes can be found here.
“Season Pass” or “Pass” means a Fixed Season Pass or a General Season Pass.
“Partner Resort” means a resort on the list of Partner Resorts found here.
“Permanent Residence” means your fixed, permanent and principal home for legal and tax purposes.
“Physician” means a licensed medical providers practicing in the fields of medical, surgical, dental, or psychiatric services who is acting within the scope of their license and who is not you, a traveling companion, a Family Member, a person related to you or a business partner.
“Priority Day” means one or more days in the Core Season that you may designate for EPIC Coverage protection. The maximum number of Priority Days for each Pass is the lesser of (i) the number of days available on your pass, and (ii) seven.
“Purchase Price” means the amount you paid for your Season Pass, net of any taxes, discounts, promotions, or credits (including any Credit Rollover).
“Reservation System” means an online system in which pass holders are required to reserve dates to ski or ride at resorts, and which is in effect for the entire Core Season and for all North American resorts.
“Vail Resorts” means the Vail Corporation, doing business as Vail Resorts Management Company, including any of its subsidiaries and affiliates.
“Vail Resorts Parties” means Vail Resorts and each of its resorts, subsidiaries, affiliates, and their respective officers, directors, employees, contractors, representatives and agents, together with each Partner Resort and their operators, subsidiaries, or affiliates and each of their respective officers, directors, employees, contractors, representatives and agents.
1. EPIC Coverage Only. Your Season Pass is NON-REFUNDABLE unless it qualifies for a full or partial refund under these Terms because of a Priority Day Cancellation Event, an Extended Resort Closure Event, or a Qualifying Personal Event (each as defined below, together the “Qualifying Events”). You will not be eligible for a refund for any other reason, including but not limited to the following:
a. Weather and Wind. You will not be eligible for a refund based on any inability to use your Pass due to weather-related or wind-related events, including snow levels.
b. Transportation Issues. You will not be eligible for a refund based on any inability to use your Pass due to any road closures, traffic issues, parking constraints, flight cancellations, or transportation issues.
c. Vaccine Requirements. You will not be eligible for a refund based on any inability to use your Pass due to any federal, provincial, state, or local vaccine requirement, or any vaccine passport or other proof or attestation of vaccination required by any governmental or private entity.
d. Psychological Conditions. Except as set forth in Section E, you will not be eligible for a refund based on any inability to use your Pass due to any mental health, nervous, or psychological conditions.
e. Reservations. Except as set forth in Section F, you will not be eligible for a refund in the event that reservations are required to ski or ride at a resort.
f. Guest Experience. You will not be eligible for a refund based on your guest experience at any resorts, facilities, or amenities, including with respect to any parking-related matters (such as parking constraints, reservation requirements, or fees), lift closures, the inability to use or access any terrain, or the inability to use or access any resorts, facilities, or amenities (except for qualifying Resort Closure Events as set forth in these Terms).
g. Criminal Acts. You will not be eligible for a refund based on an inability to use your Pass due to any criminal acts you commit.
h. Pass Revocation. You will not be eligible for a refund based on any inability to use your Pass due to your Pass being revoked, confiscated, canceled, and/or de-activated because Vail Resorts, its Partner Resorts, or the ski area operator determined, in their sole and exclusive judgment, that you acted in a manner that could endanger the safety or health of any person, violated any law or resort or facility policy, engaged in any fraud, misconduct, or malfeasance, created a nuisance, failed to pay any amounts due for your Pass, or for other good cause.
2. No EPIC Coverage for Partner Resorts. Only resorts owned and operated by Vail Resorts are covered by EPIC Coverage. EPIC Coverage does not provide refunds related to any Partner Resorts or in connection with any matters concerning Partner Resorts.
3. No EPIC Coverage for Australian or European Resorts. Only North American resorts are covered by EPIC Coverage. EPIC Coverage does not provide refunds related to any resorts in Australia or in connection with any matters concerning any resorts in Australia or Europe.
4. No Days Remaining on Fixed Season Pass. You will not be eligible for any refunds if you have used all of the days on your Fixed Season Pass.
5. Single Refund Eligibility. In the event you submit multiple timely and valid requests for refunds, Vail Resorts will process the request that provides the highest available refund amount under these Terms and all other requests will be rejected and null and void.
6. Epic®Flexpay Refunds. If you qualify for a full or partial refund under these Terms and purchased your Season Pass using Epic®Flexpay, Vail Resorts will process your refund in accordance with these Terms and issue any refund directly to the purchaser of the eligible Season Pass. Epic®Flexpay is a buy now, pay later payment option offered through Uplift, Inc. (“Uplift”), a third-party lender. Vail Resorts is not a party to your financing arrangement with Uplift and expressly disclaims all responsibility and liability relating to or arising in any way from your relationship with Uplift. More information on Uplift’s terms may be found here.
7. Maximum Refund. In no event shall any refund exceed the Purchase Price of your Season Pass.
1. Choose Core Season or Priority Days. EPIC Coverage is designed to provide individualized refund protection, and you may elect either the “Core Season” or “Priority Day” option. Your election impacts the amount of refund you are eligible to receive under these Terms if a Qualifying Event occurs. If you make a Core Season election, you must also make either a “Primary Resort” or “All Resorts” election under EPIC Coverage. Some resorts may not be available for selection as a Primary Resort.
2. Making your Election. You may make your election under EPIC Coverage through the “My Account” section online at epicpass.com or by calling 970.754.0057. The ability to make your elections may not be available at the time of your purchase, but will be made available prior to the start of the Core Season.
3. Deadline to Make or Change your Election. Prior to the start of the Core Season, Vail Resorts will provide instructions via email regarding how you may make, update, or change your elections. If you purchase more than one Season Pass and any of those Passes are upgraded or refunded, in part or in full, your elections on all remaining Passes will automatically revert to the Default Election as set forth in Section C.4.
4. Default Elections. Your elections will automatically be set to the “Core Season” and “All Resorts” elections under EPIC Coverage upon your purchase. These elections will govern until such time as Vail Resorts makes alternative elections available and you select such alternative elections, if you so choose. If you have not made any alternative elections under EPIC Coverage before the applicable deadlines for doing so, your elections will remain automatically set to the “Core Season” and “All Resorts” elections under EPIC Coverage.
1. Refund Eligibility. You may be eligible for a “Closure and Cancellation Refund” (or “C&C Refund”) if a Priority Day Cancellation Event or an Extended Resort Closure Event occurs.
a. A “Priority Day Cancellation Event” occurs when Vail Resorts cancels one or more of your Priority Days due to a Resort Closure Event.
b. A “Resort Closure Event” occurs at a resort when no lifts are operating at that resort due to one or more of the following reasons:
i. The occurrence of a disease, epidemic, or pandemic, including COVID-19 pandemic;
ii. The occurrence of a flood, hurricane, tornado, earthquake, fire, or volcanic eruption (each a “Natural Disaster”);
iii. The occurrence of a terrorist attack; or
v. The occurrence of a hostile or war-like action.
c. An “Extended Resort Closure Event” occurs if you elect Core Season and one of the following occurs:
i. You elected a Primary Resort and the Primary Resort you selected is closed for seven (7) or more consecutive days during the Core Season due to a Resort Closure Event.
ii. You purchased an EPIC Pass, EPIC Local Pass, EPIC Military Pass, or EPIC Day Pass, elected All Resorts, and all of the following ten resorts are simultaneously closed for seven (7) or more consecutive days during the Core Season due to a Resort Closure Event: Vail, Whistler Blackcomb, Breckenridge, Beaver Creek, Crested Butte, Keystone, Park City, Heavenly, NorthStar and Kirkwood.
iii. You purchased a Northeast Value Pass, elected All Resorts, and all of the following five resorts are simultaneously closed for seven (7) or more consecutive days during the Core Season due to a Resort Closure Event: Stowe, Mount Snow, Hunter, Okemo and Mount Sunapee.
iv. You purchased any Season Pass other than those identified in Section D.1.c(i)-(iii) above, elected All Resorts, and all of the resorts to which your Pass provides free access for six (6) or more days during the Core Season are simultaneously closed for seven (7) or more consecutive days during the Core Season due to a Resort Closure Event.
Your eligibility for a refund and the amount of any refund due to an Extended Resort Closure Event is specific to the Extended Resort Closure Event applicable to the Pass you purchased and elections you made.
2. Refund Amount. If you are eligible for a C&C Refund, the amount of your refund will be a percentage of your Purchase Price (i.e., the “C&C Refund Percentage”). The use of your Season Pass at Partner Resorts or outside of the Core Season, including during early season skiing or riding with EDGE Cards (or other products with similar offerings), will count towards the number of days you have used your Pass for purposes of determining the amount of any refund for which you may be eligible. If your C&C Refund Percentage as determined by the applicable formula below is zero or a negative number, you will not receive any refund.
a. Core Season Election or Default with General Season Pass. If you have a General Season Pass and elected or defaulted into Core Season coverage, your C&C Refund Percentage will be calculated based on the following formula:
b. Core Season Elections or Default with Fixed Season Pass. If you have a Fixed Season Pass and elected or defaulted into Core Season coverage, your C&C Refund Percentage will be the lesser of: (i) the percentage of days lost in the Core Season due to Extended Resort Closure Events, and (ii) one minus the number of days you used your Pass divided by the number of days available on your Pass up to a maximum of seven (7), as reflected in the following formula:
c. All Others. If you did not elect or default into Core Season coverage, your C&C Refund Percentage will be calculated based on the following formula:
3. Credit Rollover. If you used a Credit Rollover towards the purchase of a 2021/2022 Season Pass and you are eligible for a C&C Refund, you may be eligible to apply all or a portion of the Credit Rollover towards the purchase of an equal or greater value pass for the 2022/2023 ski and ride season (the “22/23 Credit Rollover”). The amount of your 22/23 Credit Rollover will equal your C&C Refund Percentage multiplied by the amount of your Credit Rollover actually applied to your 2020/2021 Season Pass. If your C&C Refund Percentage was zero or a negative number, you will not be eligible for any 22/23 Credit Rollover. You can only redeem your Credit Rollover towards the purchase of a single Season Pass for the 2022/2023 season. You cannot redeem any portion of your Credit Rollover for cash. If the Season Pass you purchase for the 2022/2023 season costs less than your 22/23 Credit Rollover, the remaining portion of the 22/23 Credit Rollover will be forfeited. Your 22/23 Credit Rollover is non-transferrable. You must use your 22/23 Credit Rollover on or before September 5, 2022 or it will expire and be forfeited. Vail Resorts may, in its sole discretion, elect to convert any Credit Rollover or 22/23 Credit Rollover to a refund at any time.
4. C&C Refund Processing. No action is required of you if you are eligible to receive a C&C Refund. Vail Resorts will calculate, process, and notify you of your C&C Refund between May 1, 2023, and May 31, 2023.
5. No Access After Refund. If you receive any C&C Refund, the Pass for which you received the refund will cease to be valid and you will no longer be able to use the Pass to access any resorts or receive any other ancillary Pass benefits for the remainder of the 2022/2023 season.
1. Refund Eligibility. You may be eligible for a “Personal Event Refund” if you are prevented from using your Pass during the Core Season due to a “Qualifying Personal Event.” A Qualifying Personal Event is one or more of the following:
b. Tourist Visa Rejection. You are unable to use your Pass during the Core Season due to a tourist visa rejection that prevents your entry into the United States or Canada. Vail Resorts may require verifiable proof of visa rejection as a condition of eligibility for a refund under this Qualifying Personal Event.
c. Travel Restrictions - United States. You are unable to use your Pass during the Core Season due to a government-imposed prohibition on your entry into the United States that affects all similarly situated travelers for thirty (30) or more consecutive days, at least seven (7) days of which are during the Core Season.
d. Travel Restrictions - Canada. You are domiciled in the: (i) State of Washington or outside of the United States or (ii) United States and your Pass only provides you with access to Whistler Blackcomb, and you are unable to use your Pass during the Core Season due to a government-imposed prohibition on your entry into Canada or the Province of British Columbia that affects all similarly situated travelers for thirty (30) or more consecutive days, at least seven (7) days of which are during the Core Season.
e. Job Loss. You are unable to use your Pass during the Core Season because, after you purchase your Pass, you or your Domestic Partner are/is involuntarily terminated or laid off from full-time employment by an employer for which you or your Domestic Partner had been continuously employed for at least one year immediately preceding the termination or lay off. This provision is not applicable to part-time employees, temporary employees, independent contractors, gig workers, or self-employed persons.
f. Furlough. You are unable to use your Pass during the Core Season because, after you purchase your Pass, you or Domestic Partner who lives in the same Permanent Residence is furloughed for a period of six (6) months or longer from full-time employment by an employer for which you or your Domestic Partner had been continuously employed for at least one year immediately preceding the furlough. This provision is not applicable to part-time employees, temporary employees, independent contractors, gig workers, or self-employed persons.
g. Work Visa Renewals. You are unable to use your Pass during the Core Season because you or your Domestic Partner require a work visa to be employed in the United States or Canada and your work visa is not renewed after you purchase your Pass. This provision is not applicable to part-time employees, temporary employees, independent contractors, gig workers, or self-employed persons.
h. Employment Transfer. You are unable to use your Pass during the Core Season because you or your Domestic Partner have an involuntary, employer-initiated transfer after you purchase your Pass that: (i) is within the same organization for which you or your Domestic Partner have been continuously employed for at least one year immediately preceding the transfer; and (ii) involves your or your Domestic Partner’s relocation from your current Permanent Residence to a residence that is 100 or more miles further away from any resort covered by your Pass. This provision only applies if you live within 150 miles of a resort for which your Pass provides access.
i. Military Service. You are unable to use your Pass during the Core Season because after you purchase your Pass, you or your Domestic Partner are called to military service, your military leave is revoked, you are deployed or you are reassigned to a different duty station that is 100 or more miles further away from any resort covered by your Pass than your current assigned duty station.
j. Illness or Injury of You or a Family Member. You are unable to use your Pass during the Core Season because you or a Family Member who lives in the same Permanent Residence as you suffers an accidental bodily injury, a physical illness, or a physical disease that: (i) is diagnosed by a Physician after you purchase your Pass or (ii) presents significant new or worsening symptoms that are diagnosed by a Physician after you purchase your Pass. To qualify, the injury, illness, or disease must prevent you from using your Pass for thirty (30) or more consecutive days, at least seven (7) days of which are during the Core Season. This provision applies only if you provide verification from a Physician.
k. Mental Health Conditions. You are unable to use your Pass during the Core Season because a Physician has admitted you to in-patient treatment or hospitalization for at least thirty (30) or more consecutive days, at least seven (7) of which are during the Core Season.
l. Death. You are unable to use your Pass during the Core Season due to your own death (in which case the refund will be awarded to another Family Member) or the death of a Family Member who lived in the same Permanent Residence that occurs after you purchase your Pass.
m. Natural Disaster. You are unable to use your Pass for thirty (30) or more consecutive days, at least seven (7) days of which are during the Core Season, because your Permanent Residence is made uninhabitable (meaning the building structure is unstable and there is risk of collapse) after you purchase your Pass in whole or in part due to a Natural Disaster (as defined above) after you purchase your Pass.
n. Subpoena/Jury Duty. You are unable to use your Pass during the Core Season because you are subpoenaed or required to serve on a jury and that subpoena or jury service prevents you from using your Pass for thirty (30) days, at least seven (7) days of which are during the Core Season.
o. Student Transfer. You are a college student, enrolled in at least twelve (12) credits if you are an undergraduate or six (6) credits if you are a graduate student, and you are unable to use your Pass during the Core Season because, after you purchased your Pass, you (a) transfer to a school located 100 miles or more further away from any resort covered by your Pass than your current school, (b) are accepted into a foreign study program that will cause you to be out of the country for thirty (30) or more consecutive days during the Core Season or (c) graduate and begin work at a job that is 100 or more miles further away from any resort covered by your Pass than your current school. This provision only applies if your current school is located within 150 miles of a resort for which your Pass provides access.
ii. You are unable to use your Pass during the Core Season because you or your Domestic Partner are pregnant and a Physician (i) admits you or your Domestic Partner to the hospital for thirty (30) or more consecutive days, at least seven (7) days of which are during the Core Season or (ii) advises you or your Domestic Partner not to ski or ride.
r. Minor Dependent. You are under the age of eighteen (18) and are unable to use your Pass because Family Member who lives in the same Permanent Residence has experienced a Qualifying Personal Event.
Number of Days Pass Was Used |
Refund Percentage |
0 Days |
100% of Purchase Price |
1 Day |
86% of Purchase Price |
2 Days |
71% of Purchase Price |
3 Days |
57% of Purchase Price |
4 Days |
43% of Purchase Price |
5 Days |
28% of Purchase Price |
6 Days |
14% of Purchase Price |
7 or More Days |
0% of Purchase Price |
b. Fixed Season Pass. If you purchased a Fixed Season Pass, your Personal Event Refund Percentage is one minus the number of days you used your Pass divided by the number of days available on your Pass up to a maximum of seven (7), as reflected in the following formula:
3. Credit Rollover. If you used your Credit Rollover towards the purchase of a 2021/2022 Season Pass and you are eligible for a Personal Event Refund, you may be eligible to apply all or a portion of the Credit Rollover towards the purchase of an equal or greater value pass for the 2022/2023 ski and ride season. The amount of your 22/23 Credit Rollover will equal your Personal Event Refund Percentage multiplied by the amount of your Credit Rollover actually applied to your 2021/2022 Season Pass. You can only redeem your Credit Rollover towards the purchase of a single Season Pass for the 2022/2023 season. You cannot redeem any portion of your 22/23 Credit Rollover for cash. If the Season Pass you purchase for the 2022/2023 season costs less than your 22/23 Credit Rollover, the remaining portion of the 22/23 Credit Rollover will be forfeited. Your 22/23 Credit Rollover is non-transferrable. You must use your 22/23 Credit Rollover on or before September 5, 2022 or it will expire and be forfeited. Vail Resorts may, in its sole discretion, elect to convert any Credit Rollover or 22/23 Credit Rollover to a refund at any time.
4. How to Request for a Personal Event Refund.
a. Time Limitations. You must submit your request for a Personal Event Refund within thirty (30) days of when the Qualifying Personal Event arises. Untimely submissions may be rejected.
b. Form of Request. You must submit any request for a Personal Event Refund either by calling 1-877-895-1297 or by submitting a claim online through the refund request page: https://intake.sedgwick.com/u/Vail. When submitting your request by phone, you must provide your name, the type of Pass you purchased, your Pass identification number, along with a description of the Qualifying Personal Event and reasonable proof to verify the occurrence of the Qualifying Personal Event. Improper submissions may be rejected.
c. Proof Requirements. Vail Resorts reserves the right to require you to submit proof to verify and establish the Qualifying Personal Event that is the basis for which you request a refund. This proof may include Physician verifications, videos, photos, travel documents, or other material we deem necessary to evaluate your refund request. You have an obligation to cooperate with us in our efforts to verify your Qualifying Personal Event, and we reserve the right to deny your refund request if you fail to do so. If you are unable to provide acceptable proof of a Qualifying Personal Event (as determined in our sole and absolute discretion) we reserve the right to deny your refund request.
5. No Access After Refund. If you receive any Personal Event Refund, the Pass for which you received the refund will cease to be valid and you will no longer be able to use the Pass to access any resorts or receive any other ancillary Pass benefits for the remainder of the 2022/2023 season.
1. Reservation System. In the event that Vail Resorts implements a Reservation System, the additional terms and conditions in this Section F will apply as of the date Vail Resorts publicly announces the Reservation System (the “Reservation System Effective Date”). You will not be eligible for a refund due to the Reservation System or any other reservation requirements for the resorts, except as set forth in this Section F.
2. Reservation System Refund Process. If Vail Resorts implements a Reservation System on or before December 5, 2022, and you purchased your Pass before the Reservation System Effective Date, you will have two (2) weeks from the Reservation System Effective Date to request a refund. Vail Resorts will provide a form and instructions for submitting such a refund request on epicpass.com. You must submit your refund request through the method provided. Once your refund is issued, your Pass will be deactivated and you will no longer have access to any resorts, facilities, amenities or benefits. If you do not submit a refund request in the designated manner within two (2) weeks of the Reservation System Effective Date, you will not be entitled to a refund.
3. The definition of a Priority Day Cancellation Event in Section D.1.a is amended as follows: “Priority Day Cancellation Event” occurs when Vail Resorts cancels one or more of your Priority Days due to a Resort Closure Event or a resort capacity constraint due to physical distancing requirements on lifts and gondolas or other public health requirements.
2. Refund of Taxes. If you receive a refund under EPIC Coverage, Vail Resorts will refund all or a portion taxes paid in an amount based on applicable taxes.
3. Multiple Pass Purchasers. In the event you purchase multiple Passes for yourself, Vail Resorts will determine, in its sole discretion, the number of Priority Days associated with each Pass, the number of days you used each Pass, and the amount of any refund(s) under EPIC Coverage for which you may be eligible.
4. Non-Transferrable. Unless otherwise noted, EPIC Coverage is personal to you and cannot be transferred.
5. Governing Law. These Terms and the relationship between you and Vail Resorts will be governed by the laws of the State of Colorado, without regard to its conflict of law principals, in the same manner as such laws are applied to agreements made, entered into, and performed entirely in Colorado.
6. Forum Selection. All lawsuits relating to or arising out of these Terms will be brought in the Federal or State Courts located in Colorado. We and you hereby irrevocably submit to the exclusive personal jurisdiction of such courts for such purpose and waive any objection to such courts on any basis, including without limitation improper venue or inconvenience of the forum.
7. Time Limitation for Filing Suit. You agree that regardless of any statute or law to the contrary, any claim or cause of action arising out of or related to these Terms must be filed within one (1) year after such claim or cause of action arose or be forever barred.
8. Release; Sole Remedy. You hereby voluntarily and knowingly agree, to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, to waive, release, and forfeit any and all claims and actions you have or may have against Vail Resorts or any Vail Resorts Parties and any associated losses, damages and expenses (including attorneys’ fees), that relate to, arise out of, or may arise out of the operation of our resorts or Partner Resorts, your inability to use your Season Pass or other lift access product during the season for which it was purchased, or a violation of these Terms or any of other terms or policies referenced herein. Refunds under the EPIC Coverage Refund Policy or the Terms of Sale are your sole remedy against any of the Vail Resorts Parties in connection with the operation of our resorts or Partner Resorts or your inability to use your Season Pass or other lift access product during the season for which it was purchased.
If you are a California resident, you waive California Civil Code Section 1542, which says: “A general release does not extend to claims that the creditor or releasing party does not know or suspect to exist in his or her favor at the time of executing the release and that, if known by him or her, would have materially affected his or her settlement with the debtor or released party.” If you are a resident of another jurisdiction, you waive any comparable statute or doctrine.
10. Liability Exclusions and Limitations. Some jurisdictions do not allow the limitation or exclusion of liability for incidental or consequential damages. Accordingly, some of the above limitations and disclaimers may not apply to you. To the extent that we may not, as a matter of applicable law, limit our liabilities, the extent of liability of Vail Resorts or the Vail Resorts Parties will be the minimum permitted under such applicable law. We disclaim any warranties to the maximum extent permitted under applicable law.
12. Electronic Communications Notice. You agree to provide a valid email address for the express purpose of receiving communications regarding this transaction. You understand this may be the only manner by which you will receive such communications. When you use our website or send emails to us, you are communicating with us electronically. You consent to receiving communications from us electronically. We may communicate with you by email or posting notices on the applicable website. You agree that all agreements and other communications that we provide to you electronically satisfy any legal requirement that such communications be in writing. In order to access any such communications, you must have a computer or other Internet-enabled device. In order to retain copies of any such communications, you must have a printer or data storage device. If you have a printer, you may print paper copies of any such communications for your own use. If you wish to withdraw your consent for us to communicate with you electronically, you may not use our website.
13. Severability. If any provision of these Terms is found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, you nevertheless agree that the court should endeavor to give effect to our intentions as reflected in the provision, and that the other provisions of these Terms remain in full force and effect.
14. Controlling Terms. These Terms supersede all previous terms, agreements, representations, warranties, or commitments, whether in writing or oral, between you and Vail Resorts with respect to the subject matter hereof.
15. Acceptance. Your purchase of a Season Pass constitutes your acceptance of these Terms.
16. Modifications. We may need to make changes to any portion of these Terms, including any of the terms and conditions of any policies or other agreements referenced herein. If we make a material change to these Terms, we will provide notice to you of such change and/or post the amended terms on epicpass.com. Your use of your Pass or your purchase of a Pass following our posting of revised Terms or provision of a change notice of revised Terms constitutes an acceptance of the amended terms.
17. Questions. If you have any questions regarding EPIC Coverage, these Terms or other inquiries, please visit epicpass.com and view our FAQs or Contact Support Here.
2021/22 EPIC Coverage Refund Policy Terms & Conditions
Last Updated: March 23, 2021
Please read these terms and conditions (“Terms”) carefully. These Terms (in their entirety) form a binding agreement between you and the Vail Corporation d/b/a Vail Resorts Management Company, including its subsidiaries and affiliates (“Vail Resorts”, “we” or “us”).
1. EPIC Coverage. The EPIC Coverage Refund Policy (“EPIC Coverage”) is Vail Resorts’ refund policy for all Season Passes. All Season Passes are NON-REFUNDABLE except as set forth in these Terms. EPIC Coverage applies only to Season Passes. It does not apply to any other lift access products.
2. Definitions. The following definitions apply to these Terms.
“Core Season” means the period of December 7, 2021 through April 17, 2022, which shall be deemed to consist of one hundred thirty-two (132) days.
“Credit Rollover” means a Reservation Availability Credit Rollover, C&C Credit Rollover, or Personal Event Credit Rollover, as defined in the 2020/2021 Epic Coverage Refund Policy Terms and Conditions.
“Fixed Season Pass” means a season pass that gives the holder a fixed number of days to use the pass throughout the season, usually ranging from one (1) to ten (10) days. A list of Fixed Season Passes can be found here.
“General Season Pass” means a season pass that is not limited to a fixed number of days during the season, such as an EPIC Pass or EPIC Local Pass. A list of General Season Passes can be found here.
“Season Pass” or “Pass” means a Fixed Season Pass or a General Season Pass.
“Partner Resort” means a resort on the list of Partner Resorts found here.
“Priority Day” means one or more days in the Core Season that you may designate for EPIC Coverage protection. The maximum number of Priority Days for each Pass is the lesser of (i) the number of days available on your pass, and (ii) seven.
“Purchase Price” means the amount you paid for your Season Pass, net of any taxes, discounts, promotions, or credits (including any Credit Rollover).
“Reservation System” means an online system in which pass holders are required to reserve dates to ski or ride at resorts, and which is in effect for the entire Core Season and for all North American resorts.
“Vail Resorts” means the Vail Corporation, doing business as Vail Resorts Management Company, including any of its subsidiaries and affiliates.
“Vail Resorts Parties” means Vail Resorts and each of its resorts, subsidiaries, affiliates, and their respective officers, directors, employees, contractors, representatives and agents, together with each Partner Resort and their operators, subsidiaries, or affiliates and each of their respective officers, directors, employees, contractors, representatives and agents.
1. EPIC Coverage Only. Your Season Pass is NON-REFUNDABLE unless it qualifies for a full or partial refund under these Terms because of a Priority Day Cancellation Event, an Extended Resort Closure Event, or a Qualifying Personal Event (each as defined below, together the “Qualifying Events”). You will not be eligible for a refund for any other reason, including but not limited to the following:
a. Weather and Wind. You will not be eligible for a refund based on any inability to use your Pass due to weather-related or wind-related events, including snow levels.
b. Transportation Issues. You will not be eligible for a refund based on any inability to use your Pass due to any road closures, traffic issues, parking constraints at or near the resort, flight cancellations, or transportation issues.
c. Vaccine Requirements. You will not be eligible for a refund based on any inability to use your Pass due to any federal, provincial, state, or local vaccine requirement, or any vaccine passport or other proof or attestation of vaccination required by any governmental or private entity.
d. Psychological Conditions. Except as set forth in Section E, you will not be eligible for a refund based on any inability to use your Pass due to any mental health, nervous, or psychological conditions.
e. Reservations. Except as set forth in Section F, you will not be eligible for a refund in the event that reservations are required to ski or ride at a resort.
f. Guest Experience. You will not be eligible for a refund based on your guest experience at any resorts, facilities, or amenities, including with respect to parking.
g. Criminal Acts. You will not be eligible for a refund based on an inability to use your Pass due to any criminal acts you commit.
h. Pass Revocation. You will not be eligible for a refund based on any inability to use your Pass due to your Pass being revoked, confiscated, canceled, and/or de-activated because Vail Resorts, its Partner Resorts, or the ski area operator determined, in their sole and exclusive judgment, that you acted in a manner that could endanger the safety or health of any person, violated any law or resort or facility policy, engaged in any fraud, misconduct, or malfeasance, created a nuisance, failed to pay any amounts due for your Pass, or for other good cause.
2. No EPIC Coverage for Partner Resorts. Only resorts owned and operated by Vail Resorts are covered by EPIC Coverage. EPIC Coverage does not provide refunds related to any Partner Resorts or in connection with any matters concerning Partner Resorts.
3. No EPIC Coverage for Australian Resorts. Only North American resorts are covered by EPIC Coverage. EPIC Coverage does not provide refunds related to any resorts in Australia or in connection with any matters concerning any resorts in Australia.
4. No Days Remaining on Fixed Season Pass. You will not be eligible for any refunds if you have used all of the days on your Fixed Season Pass.
5. Single Refund Eligibility. In the event you submit multiple timely and valid requests for refunds, Vail Resorts will process the request that provides the highest available refund amount under these Terms and all other requests will be rejected and null and void.
6. Maximum Refund. In no event shall any refund exceed the Purchase Price of your Season Pass.
1. Choose Core Season or Priority Days. EPIC Coverage is designed to provide individualized refund protection, and you may elect either the “Core Season” or “Priority Day” option. Your election impacts the amount of refund you are eligible to receive under these Terms if a Qualifying Event occurs. If you make a Core Season election, you must also make either a “Primary Resort” or “All Resorts” election under EPIC Coverage.
2. Making your Election. You may make your election under EPIC Coverage through the “My Account” section online at epicpass.com or by calling 970.754.0057.
3. Deadline to Make or Change your Election. No later than November 1, 2021, Vail Resorts will provide instructions via email regarding how you may make, update, or change your elections.
4. Default Elections. If you have not made any elections under EPIC Coverage before the applicable deadlines for doing so, your elections will automatically default to the “Core Season” and “All Resorts” elections under EPIC Coverage.
1. Refund Eligibility. You may be eligible for a “Closure and Cancellation Refund” (or “C&C Refund”) if a Priority Day Cancellation Event or an Extended Resort Closure Event occurs.
a. A “Priority Day Cancellation Event” occurs when Vail Resorts cancels one or more of your Priority Days due to a Resort Closure Event.
b. A “Resort Closure Event” occurs at a resort when no lifts are operating at that resort due to one or more of the following reasons:
i. The occurrence of a disease, epidemic, or pandemic, including the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic;
ii. The occurrence of a flood, hurricane, tornado, earthquake, fire, or volcanic eruption (each a “Natural Disaster”);
iii. The occurrence of a terrorist attack; or
iv. The occurrence of a hostile or war-like action.
c. An “Extended Resort Closure Event” occurs if you elect Core Season and one of the following occurs:
i. You elected a Primary Resort and the Primary Resort you selected is closed for seven (7) or more consecutive days during the Core Season due to a Resort Closure Event.
ii. You purchased an EPIC Pass, EPIC Local Pass, EPIC Military Pass, or EPIC Day Pass, elected All Resorts, and all of the following ten resorts are simultaneously closed for seven (7) or more consecutive days during the Core Season due to a Resort Closure Event: Vail, Whistler Blackcomb, Breckenridge, Beaver Creek, Crested Butte, Keystone, Park City, Heavenly, NorthStar and Kirkwood.
iii. You purchased a Northeast Value Pass, elected All Resorts, and all of the following five resorts are simultaneously closed for seven (7) or more consecutive days during the Core Season due to a Resort Closure Event: Stowe, Mount Snow, Hunter, Okemo and Mount Sunapee.
iv. You purchased any Season Pass other than those identified in Section D.1.c(i)-(iii) above, elected All Resorts, and all of the resorts to which your Pass provides free access for six (6) or more days during the Core Season are simultaneously closed for seven (7) or more consecutive days during the Core Season due to a Resort Closure Event.
Your eligibility for a refund and the amount of any refund due to an Extended Resort Closure Event is specific to the Extended Resort Closure Event applicable to the Pass you purchased and elections you made.
2. Refund Amount. If you are eligible for a C&C Refund, the amount of your refund will be a percentage of your Purchase Price (i.e., the “C&C Refund Percentage”). The use of your Season Pass at Partner Resorts or outside of the Core Season, including during early season skiing or riding with EDGE Cards (or other products with similar offerings), will count towards the number of days you have used your Pass for purposes of determining the amount of any refund for which you may be eligible. If your C&C Refund Percentage as determined by the applicable formula below is zero or a negative number, you will not receive any refund.
a. Core Season Election or Default with General Season Pass. If you have a General Season Pass and elected or defaulted into Core Season coverage, your C&C Refund Percentage will be calculated based on the following formula:
b. Core Season Elections or Default with Fixed Season Pass. If you have a Fixed Season Pass and elected or defaulted into Core Season coverage, your C&C Refund Percentage will be the lesser of: (i) the percentage of days lost in the Core Season due to Extended Resort Closure Events, and (ii) one minus the number of days you used your Pass divided by the number of days available on your Pass up to a maximum of seven (7), as reflected in the following formula:
c. All Others. If you did not elect or default into Core Season coverage, your C&C Refund Percentage will be calculated based on the following formula:
3. Credit Rollover. If you used a Credit Rollover towards the purchase of a 2021/2022 Season Pass and you are eligible for a C&C Refund, you may be eligible to apply all or a portion of the Credit Rollover towards the purchase of an equal or greater value pass for the 2022/2023 ski and ride season (the “22/23 Credit Rollover”). The amount of your 22/23 Credit Rollover will equal your C&C Refund Percentage multiplied by the amount of your Credit Rollover actually applied to your 2020/2021 Season Pass. If your C&C Refund Percentage was zero or a negative number, you will not be eligible for any 22/23 Credit Rollover. You can only redeem your Credit Rollover towards the purchase of a single Season Pass for the 2022/2023 season. You cannot redeem any portion of your Credit Rollover for cash. If the Season Pass you purchase for the 2022/2023 season costs less than your 22/23 Credit Rollover, the remaining portion of the 22/23 Credit Rollover will be forfeited. Your 22/23 Credit Rollover is non-transferrable. You must use your 22/23 Credit Rollover on or before September 5, 2022 or it will expire and be forfeited. Vail Resorts may, in its sole discretion, elect to convert any Credit Rollover or 22/23 Credit Rollover to a refund at any time.
4. C&C Refund Processing. No action is required of you if you are eligible to receive a C&C Refund. Vail Resorts will calculate, process, and notify you of your C&C Refund between May 1, 2022, and May 31, 2022.
5. No Access After Refund. If you receive any C&C Refund, the Pass for which you received the refund will cease to be valid and you will no longer be able to use the Pass to access any resorts or receive any other ancillary Pass benefits for the remainder of the 2021/2022 season.
1. Refund Eligibility. You may be eligible for a “Personal Event Refund” if you are prevented from using your Pass during the Core Season due to a “Qualifying Personal Event.” A Qualifying Personal Event is one or more of the following:
Number of Days Pass Was Used |
Refund Percentage |
0 Days |
100% of Purchase Price |
1 Day |
86% of Purchase Price |
2 Days |
71% of Purchase Price |
3 Days |
57% of Purchase Price |
4 Days |
43% of Purchase Price |
5 Days |
28% of Purchase Price |
6 Days |
14% of Purchase Price |
7 or More Days |
0% of Purchase Price |
b. Fixed Season Pass. If you purchased a Fixed Season Pass, your Personal Event Refund Percentage is one minus the number of days you used your Pass divided by the number of days available on your Pass up to a maximum of seven (7), as reflected in the following formula:
3. Credit Rollover. If you used your Credit Rollover towards the purchase of a 2021/2022 Season Pass and you are eligible for a Personal Event Refund, you may be eligible to apply all or a portion of the Credit Rollover towards the purchase of an equal or greater value pass for the 2022/2023 ski and ride season. The amount of your 22/23 Credit Rollover will equal your Personal Event Refund Percentage multiplied by the amount of your Credit Rollover actually applied to your 2021/2022 Season Pass. You can only redeem your Credit Rollover towards the purchase of a single Season Pass for the 2022/2023 season. You cannot redeem any portion of your 22/23 Credit Rollover for cash. If the Season Pass you purchase for the 2022/2023 season costs less than your 22/23 Credit Rollover, the remaining portion of the 22/23 Credit Rollover will be forfeited. Your 22/23 Credit Rollover is non-transferrable. You must use your 22/23 Credit Rollover on or before September 5, 2022 or it will expire and be forfeited. Vail Resorts may, in its sole discretion, elect to convert any Credit Rollover or 22/23 Credit Rollover to a refund at any time.
4. How to Request for a Personal Event Refund.
a. Time Limitations. You must submit your request for a Personal Event Refund within thirty (30) days of when the Qualifying Personal Event arises. Untimely submissions may be rejected.
b. Form of Request. You must submit any request for a Personal Event Refund either by calling 1-877-895-1297, or by emailing a representative at NewLosses@ACMClaims.com. When submitting your request by phone or email, you must provide your name, the type of Pass you purchased, your Pass identification number, along with a description of the Qualifying Personal Event and reasonable proof to verify the occurrence of the Qualifying Personal Event. Improper submissions may be rejected.
c. Proof Requirements. Vail Resorts reserves the right to require you to submit proof to verify and establish the Qualifying Personal Event that is the basis for which you request a refund. This proof may include Physician verifications, videos, photos, travel documents, or other material we deem necessary to evaluate your refund request. You have an obligation to cooperate with us in our efforts to verify your Qualifying Personal Event, and we reserve the right to deny your refund request if you fail to do so. If you are unable to provide acceptable proof of a Qualifying Personal Event (as determined in our sole and absolute discretion) we reserve the right to deny your refund request.
5. No Access After Refund. If you receive any Personal Event Refund, the Pass for which you received the refund will cease to be valid and you will no longer be able to use the Pass to access any resorts or receive any other ancillary Pass benefits for the remainder of the 2021/2022 season.
1. Reservation System. In the event that Vail Resorts implements a Reservation System, the additional terms and conditions in this Section F will apply as of the date Vail Resorts publicly announces the Reservation System (the “Reservation System Effective Date”). You will not be eligible for a refund due to the Reservation System or any other reservation requirements for the resorts, except as set forth in this Section F.
2. Reservation System Refund Process. If Vail Resorts implements a Reservation System on or before December 5, 2021, and you purchased your Pass before the Reservation System Effective Date, you will have two (2) weeks from the Reservation System Effective Date to request a refund. Vail Resorts will provide a form and instructions for submitting such a refund request on epicpass.com. You must submit your refund request through the method provided. Once your refund is issued, your Pass will be deactivated and you will no longer have access to any resorts, facilities, amenities or benefits. If you do not submit a refund request in the designated manner within two (2) weeks of the Reservation System Effective Date, you will not be entitled to a refund.
3. The definition of a Priority Day Cancellation Event in Section D.1.a is amended as follows: “Priority Day Cancellation Event” occurs when Vail Resorts cancels one or more of your Priority Days due to a Resort Closure Event or a resort capacity constraint due to physical distancing requirements on lifts and gondolas or other public health requirements.
If you are a California resident, you waive California Civil Code Section 1542, which says: “A general release does not extend to claims that the creditor or releasing party does not know or suspect to exist in his or her favor at the time of executing the release and that, if known by him or her, would have materially affected his or her settlement with the debtor or released party.” If you are a resident of another jurisdiction, you waive any comparable statute or doctrine.
10. Liability Exclusions and Limitations. Some jurisdictions do not allow the limitation or exclusion of liability for incidental or consequential damages. Accordingly, some of the above limitations and disclaimers may not apply to you. To the extent that we may not, as a matter of applicable law, limit our liabilities, the extent of liability of Vail Resorts or the Vail Resorts Parties will be the minimum permitted under such applicable law. We disclaim any warranties to the maximum extent permitted under applicable law.
11. Class Action and Jury Waiver. You may only resolve disputes RELATING TO OR arising out of these Terms with us on an individual basis and may not bring and expressly waive the right to bring a claim as a plaintiff or a class member in a class, consolidated, or representative action. Class action, private attorney general actions, and consolidation with other actions are not allowed. You hereby waive your right to a jury trial in any claim or cause of action RELATING TO OR arising out of these Terms.
12. Electronic Communications Notice. You agree to provide a valid email address for the express purpose of receiving communications regarding this transaction. You understand this may be the only manner by which you will receive such communications. When you use our website or send emails to us, you are communicating with us electronically. You consent to receiving communications from us electronically. We may communicate with you by email or posting notices on the applicable website. You agree that all agreements and other communications that we provide to you electronically satisfy any legal requirement that such communications be in writing. In order to access any such communications, you must have a computer or other Internet-enabled device. In order to retain copies of any such communications, you must have a printer or data storage device. If you have a printer, you may print paper copies of any such communications for your own use. If you wish to withdraw your consent for us to communicate with you electronically, you may not use our website.
13. Severability. If any provision of these Terms is found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, you nevertheless agree that the court should endeavor to give effect to our intentions as reflected in the provision, and that the other provisions of these Terms remain in full force and effect.
14. Controlling Terms. These Terms supersede all previous terms, agreements, representations, warranties, or commitments, whether in writing or oral, between you and Vail Resorts with respect to the subject matter hereof.
15. Acceptance. Your purchase of a Season Pass constitutes your acceptance of these Terms.
16. Modifications. We may need to make changes to any portion of these Terms, including any of the terms and conditions of any policies or other agreements referenced herein. If we make a material change to these Terms, we will provide notice to you of such change and/or post the amended terms on epicpass.com. Your use of your Pass or your purchase of a Pass following our posting of revised Terms or provision of a change notice of revised Terms constitutes an acceptance of the amended terms.
17. Questions. If you have any questions regarding EPIC Coverage, these Terms or other inquiries, please visit epicpass.com and view our FAQs or Contact Support Here.
Last Updated: March 4, 2025
Please read these terms and conditions (“Terms”) carefully. These Terms (in their entirety) constitute a binding agreement between you and the Vail Corporation, doing business as Vail Resorts Management Company, including its subsidiaries and affiliates (“Vail Resorts,” “we” or “us”). By purchasing a Season Pass or other lift access product, including lift tickets, you, and any person on whose behalf you purchase a Season Pass or other lift access product, are agreeing to be bound by these Terms.
The following definitions apply to these Terms.
“Fixed Season Pass” means a season pass that gives the holder a fixed number of days to use the pass throughout the season, usually ranging from 1 to 10 days. A list of Fixed Season Passes can be found here.
“General Season Pass” means a season pass that is not limited to a fixed number of days during the season, such as an EPIC Pass or EPIC Local Pass. A list of General Season Passes can be found here.
“Season Pass” or “Pass” means Fixed Season Pass or General Season Pass.
“Ski & Ride Season” means the ski & ride season which the Season Pass or lift access product you are purchasing applies to.
“Partner Resort” means a resort on the list of Partner Resorts found here.
“Vail Resorts Parties” means Vail Resorts and each of its resorts, subsidiaries, affiliates, and their respective officers, directors, employees, contractors, representatives and agents, together with each Partner Resort and their operators, subsidiaries, or affiliates and each of their respective officers, directors, employees, contractors, representatives and agents.
- Resort Operations. Vail Resorts has the right, in its sole and absolute discretion, to operate its resorts, facilities, and amenities in the manner it deems appropriate in its sole and exclusive judgment. Vail Resorts’ right to operate in the manner it deems appropriate includes, but is not limited to, the right to modify, expand, reduce, or cease operations of any resorts, facilities, or amenities at any time and for any period of time, the right to implement, modify, expand, reduce, or cease any policies or procedures related to any resorts, facilities, or amenities or the use of your Season Pass or other lift access product, and the right to implement, modify, expand, reduce, or cease any reduced capacity or reservations systems or other requirements to use your Season Pass or other lift access product.
- No Guarantee. VAIL RESORTS DOES NOT MAKE ANY GUARANTEES WITH RESPECT TO ITS SEASON PASSES OR OTHER LIFT ACCESS PRODUCTS. For example, your purchase of any Season Pass or other lift access product does not guarantee: (a) access to any resorts, terrain, facilities, or amenities at any given time or for any number of days or for any minimum number of days; (b) any particular guest experience or your satisfaction with your guest experience at or with any resorts, facilities, or amenities; or (c) your ability to reserve any number of days or minimum number of days when Vail Resorts operates under a reduced capacity or reservation system. Your admission to any resorts, facilities, or amenities is subject to, among other things, capacity constraints and closures. Nothing in these Terms is a commitment by Vail Resorts to keep any resort, facilities, or amenities open for any particular period or amount of time and Vail Resorts reserves right to close any of its resorts, facilities, or amenities in its sole and absolute discretion. Vail Resorts is not obligated to sell you a Season Pass, a lift access product, or any other products or services and expressly reserves the right, in its sole and absolute discretion, to refuse to sell any products and services to you or any other person.
- Reservations. Except as provided in the EPIC Coverage Refund Policy, you will not be eligible for a refund due to the implementation of a reservation system or any other reservation requirements for the resorts.
- Resort Access. Your access to any resorts, facilities, or amenities varies based on the type of Season Pass or other lift access product you purchased. Your access to any resorts, facilities, or amenities may be subject to additional terms and policies.
- Public Health Compliance/Vaccine Requirements. If you purchase a Season Pass or other lift access product, you agree to comply with all applicable policies and procedures and all public health and safety orders, regulations, and laws applicable at any resort you seek to access, including by agreeing to, and making, any attestation set forth herein or otherwise provided. Additionally, you will not be eligible for a refund based on any inability to use your Season Pass or other lift access product due to any federal, provincial, state, or local vaccine requirement, or any vaccine passport or other proof or attestation of vaccination required by any governmental or private entity.
- Release of Liability, Assumption of Risks, and Indemnity Agreement. IF YOU PURCHASE A SEASON PASS OR ANY OTHER LIFT ACCESS PRODUCT, YOU AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THE RELEASE OF LIABILITY, ASSUMPTION OF RISKS AND INDEMNITY AGREEMENT. If you do not sign and accept the Release of Liability, Assumption of Risks and Indemnity Agreement, your Season Pass or other lift access product will not be activated and you will not be able to use your Season Pass or other lift access product to access any resorts, facilities, or amenities. You will not be eligible for a refund based on any failure or refusal to sign the Release of Liability, Assumption of Risks and Indemnity Agreement.
- Deposit Policy. If you pay a deposit for a Season Pass, you agree to be bound by the Season Pass Deposit Policy, which is located below.
- Auto-Renew Policy. If you enroll in the annual automatic renewal program for your Season Pass you agree to be bound by the Auto-Renew Policy, which is located below.
- Refund Policy. Vail Resorts’ refund policies differ based on whether you purchased a Season Pass or other lift access product.
- Season Passes. If you purchase a Season Pass, you agree to be bound by the Epic Coverage Refund Policy. ALL SEASON PASSES ARE NON-REFUNDABLE EXCEPT AS SET FORTH IN THE EPIC COVERAGE REFUND POLICY.
- Lift Tickets. If you purchase a lift ticket, you agree to be bound by the Lift Ticket Refund Policy, which is located below. LIFT TICKETS ARE NON-REFUNDABLE EXCEPT AS SET FORTH IN THE LIFT TICKET REFUND POLICY.
- Other Products. Any product other than a Season Pass or lift ticket is NON-REFUNDABLE unless expressly stated otherwise.
- Season Passes. If you purchase a Season Pass, you agree to be bound by the Epic Coverage Refund Policy. ALL SEASON PASSES ARE NON-REFUNDABLE EXCEPT AS SET FORTH IN THE EPIC COVERAGE REFUND POLICY.
- EPIC Mountain Rewards. The EPIC Mountain Rewards Program is offered by Vail Resorts at its sole and absolute discretion. By purchasing a qualifying Season Pass and participating in the EPIC Mountain Rewards Program, you are agreeing to be bound by the EPIC Mountain Rewards Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree to bound by the EPIC Mountain Rewards Terms and Conditions, you may not participate in the EPIC Mountain Rewards Program.
- Revocation. Vail Resorts may revoke, confiscate, cancel, deactivate, and not re-issue your Season Pass or other lift access product, without providing any refund, if, in the sole and exclusive judgment of Vail Resorts, its Partner Resorts, or the ski area operator, you act in a manner that could endanger the safety or health of any person, violate any law or resort or facility policy, engage in any fraud, misconduct, or malfeasance, create a nuisance, for nonpayment or incomplete payment, or for other good cause.
- Lost or Stolen Pass. You agree and acknowledge that you have an affirmative duty to immediately notify Vail Resorts or the ski area operator and authorities if your Season Pass is lost or stolen and that failure to do so may result in the loss or revocation of your Season Pass and any skiing, snowboarding, riding, or access privileges without any refund.
- Governing Law. These Terms and the relationship between you and Vail Resorts will be governed by the laws of the State of Colorado in the same manner as such laws are applied to agreements made, entered into, and performed entirely in Colorado.
- Forum Selection. All lawsuits relating to or arising out of these Terms will be brought in the Federal or State Courts located in Colorado. We and you hereby irrevocably submit to the exclusive personal jurisdiction of such courts for such purpose and waive any objection to such courts on any basis, including without limitation improper venue or inconvenience of the forum.
- Time Limitation for Filing Suit. You agree that regardless of any statute or law to the contrary, any claim or cause of action arising out of or related to these Terms must be filed within one (1) year after such claim or cause of action arose or be forever barred.
- Release of Liability & Assumption of Risks:
a. Assumption of Risks. YOU AGREE AND UNDERSTAND THAT SKIING, SNOWBOARDING AND USING A SKI AREA, INCLUDING LIFTS, CAN BE HAZARDOUS AND INVOLVE THE RISK OF PHYSICAL INJURY AND/OR DEATH. WARNING: Under the law, you assume the risk of injury to person or property resulting from any of the inherent dangers and risks of skiing and may not recover from the ski area operator and its employees for any injury resulting from any of the inherent dangers and risks of skiing. Inherent dangers of skiing include, but are not limited to: Falling or loss of balance; icy, slick or uneven surfaces; improper use of equipment; changing weather conditions; existing and changing snow conditions; bumps; moguls; ruts; bare spots; tin cover; rocks; erosions; drainage channels; stumps; trees; tree wells; roots and branches; downed timber and other forest growth; streams, creeks, holes, debris, and other rugged mountainous terrain; marked and unmarked obstacles; unmaintained or unmarked trails/roads or trail obstructions; collisions with natural objects, man-made objects, or other skiers; variations in terrain; and the negligence or failure of you, Ski Area employees, or other guests to act safely or within their own ability including failure to stay within designated areas and comply with signage; falling snow or ice from natural or man-made sources; varying visibility, storms, lightning, hail, snow and other adverse weather. Other risks include avalanches, cornices and crevasses; cliffs, extreme terrain, jumps, freestyle terrain, misloading, entanglements, or falls from ski lifts; equipment malfunction, failure or damage; improper use of maintenance equipment; becoming lost or separated; lack of shelter; limited access to and/or delay of medical attention; inadequate medical attention; your health condition, physical exertion, exhaustion, dehydration, hypothermia, altitude sickness, other sickness, or frostbite; and/or mental distress from exposure to any of the above. You agree to be responsible for having the physical dexterity to safely load, ride and unload the lifts and must control speed and course at all times. You understand that snowmobiles, snowcats, other motor or over-snow vehicles, and snowmaking equipment may be encountered at any time. YOU UNDERSTAND THAT THE DESCRIPTION OF THE RISKS IN THIS AGREEMENT IS NOT COMPLETE AND VOLUNTARILY CHOOSE TO PARTICIPATE IN AND EXPRESSLY ASSUME ALL RISKS AND DANGERS OF THE PARTICIPATING IN SKIING, SNOWBOARDING, AND USING A SKI AREA AND THE POSSIBILITY OF PERSONAL INJURY, DEATH, PROPERTY DAMAGE AND LOSS RESULTING THEREFROM, WHETHER OR NOT DESCRIBED HERE, KNOWN OR UNKNOWN, INHERENT OR OTHERWISE. YOU AGREE TO ASSUME ALL RISKS, inherent or otherwise.
b. Release of Claims for Injuries to Person or Property. In consideration for your use of the ski area and access to the lifts, YOU AGREE to the greatest extent permitted by law, TO WAIVE ANY AND ALL CLAIMS AGAINST AND TO HOLD HARMLESS, RELEASE, INDEMNIFY, AND AGREE NOT TO SUE Vail Resorts, Inc., The Vail Corporation, Trimont Land Company, Heavenly Valley, Limited Partnership, VR US Holdings, Inc., VR US Holdings II, LLC, VR CPC Holdings, Inc., VR NW Holdings, Inc., VR NE Holdings, LLC, Whistler Blackcomb Holdings Inc., Blackcomb Skiing Enterprises Limited Partnership, Whistler Mountain Resort Limited Partnership, Vail Holdings, Inc., Peak Resorts, Inc., VR PA Holdings, Inc., Andermatt-Sedrun Sport AG, Crans-Montana Aminona (CMA) SA, each of their affiliated companies and subsidiaries, the resort owner/operator inclusive of any partner resort owner/operator, land owner, activity operator, the equipment manufacturer, The Burton Corporation, Beaver Creek Resort Company, TSG Ski & Golf, LLC, Bergbahnen Disentis AG, Kamori Kanki Co., Happo‐one Kaihatsu Co., Ltd. and its Alliance Companies, KIRAMA DOLOMITI Adamello-Brenta Association, Les 3 Vallées Association, SEVABEL, SETAM, Société des Trois Vallées; Méribel Alpina, the family of companies operating Resorts of the Canadian Rockies, Inc., the United States, His Majesty The King In Right Of The Province Of British Columbia and all their respective insurance companies, successors in interest, commercial & corporate sponsors, affiliates, agents, employees, representatives, assignees, officers, directors, and shareholders (each a “Released Party”) FOR ANY INJURY, INCLUDING DEATH, LOSS, PROPERTY DAMAGE OR EXPENSE, WHICH I OR PARTICIPANT MAY SUFFER, ARISING IN WHOLE OR IN PART OUT OF PARTICIPANT’S PARTICIPATION IN THE ACTIVITY, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THOSE CLAIMS BASED ON ANY RELEASED PARTY’S ALLEGED OR ACTUAL NEGLIGENCE OR BREACH OF ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OR BREACH OF DUTY OF CARE, INCLUDING IN BRITISH COLUMBIA ANY DUTY OF CARE UNDER THE OCCUPIERS LIABILITY ACT. I UNDERSTAND THAT NEGLIGENCE INCLUDES FAILURE ON THE PART OF ANY RELEASED PARTY TO TAKE REASONABLE STEPS TO SAFEGUARD OR PROTECT ME FROM THE RISKS, DANGERS AND HAZARDS OF THE ACTIVITY.
c. Release of Other Claims, Sole Remedy. In addition to the Release under paragraph 17(b), you hereby voluntarily and knowingly agree, to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, to waive, release, and forfeit any and all claims and actions you have or may have against Vail Resorts or any Vail Resorts Parties and any associated losses, damages and expenses (including attorneys’ fees), that relate to, arise out of, or may arise out of the operation of our resorts or Partner Resorts, your inability to use your Season Pass or other lift access product during the season for which it was purchased, or a violation of these Terms or any of other terms or policies referenced herein. Refunds pursuant to Section 9 above, as applicable, are your sole remedy against any of the Vail Resorts Parties in connection with the operation of our resorts or Partner Resorts or your inability to use your Season Pass or other lift access product during the season for which it was purchased.
d. Additional Release for California Residents. If you are a California resident, you waive California Civil Code Section 1542, which says: “A general release does not extend to claims that the creditor or releasing party does not know or suspect to exist in his or her favor at the time of executing the release and that, if known by him or her, would have materially affected his or her settlement with the debtor or released party.” If you are a resident of another jurisdiction, you waive any comparable statute or doctrine.
e. Other Terms. You agree to comply with the verbal instructions of ski area personnel and all posted signs, to remain alert to all hazards, and to act in a careful and prudent manner at all times. Ski area personnel may revoke your access to the ski area if you engage in conduct that is improper, dangerous, or constitutes fraud or nuisance. You agree to grant the ski area the right of publicity to own and use any image collected of you while at the skier area.
19. Liability Exclusions and Limitations. Some jurisdictions do not allow the limitation or exclusion of liability for incidental or consequential damages. Accordingly, some of the above limitations and disclaimers may not apply to you. To the extent that we may not, as a matter of applicable law, limit our liabilities, the extent of liability of Vail Resorts or the Vail Resorts Parties will be the minimum permitted under such applicable law. We disclaim any warranties to the maximum extent permitted under applicable law.
21. Electronic Communications Notice. You agree to provide a valid email address for the express purpose of receiving communications regarding this transaction. You understand this may be the only manner by which you will receive such communications. When you use our website or send emails to us, you are communicating with us electronically. You consent to receiving communications from us electronically. We may communicate with you by email or posting notices on the applicable website. You agree that all agreements and other communications that we provide to you electronically satisfy any legal requirement that such communications be in writing. It is your responsibility to review the applicable websites and communications and stay apprised of such communications and posted notices. In order to access any such communications, you must have a computer or other Internet-enabled device. In order to retain copies of any such communications, you must have a printer or data storage device. If you have a printer, you may print paper copies of any such communications for your own use. If you wish to withdraw your consent for us to communicate with you electronically, you may not use our website.
22. Severability. If any provision of these Terms is found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, you nevertheless agree that the court should endeavor to give effect to our intentions as reflected in the provision, and that the other provisions of these Terms remain in full force and effect.
23. Modifications. These Terms may only be modified by Vail Resorts. No person, company, or customer representative, whether or not affiliated with Vail Resorts, is authorized to modify any provision of these Terms, either verbally or in writing. Vail Resorts expressly reserves the right, in its sole and absolute discretion, to modify any portion of these Terms, or any policy, procedure, or practice. If we make a material change to these Terms, we will dispatch a notice to you of such changes and/or post the amended terms on epicpass.com. You are responsible for periodically reviewing these Terms for updates and amendments. Your purchase of a Season Pass or other lift access product, your payment of any deposit or other amount towards the purchase of any Season Pass or other lift access product, your use of your Season Pass or other lift access product, or your failure to opt-out of your Season Pass or other lift access product, if applicable, following our posting of revised Terms or dispatching of a change notice of revised Terms constitutes an acceptance of the amended terms.
WARNING NOTICE FOR KEYSTONE, BRECKENRIDGE, VAIL MOUNTAIN, BEAVER CREEK, AND CRESTED BUTTE. When skiing, riding, or using the lifts in the State of Colorado, you agree that the following additional warning notice applies to you and your use of any Season Pass or other lift access product or ticket:
Under Colorado law, a skier assumes the risk of any injury to person or property resulting from any of the inherent dangers and risks of skiing and may not recover from any ski area operator for any injury resulting from any of the inherent dangers and risks of skiing, including: Changing weather conditions; existing and changing snow conditions; bare spots; rocks; stumps; trees; collisions with natural objects, man-made objects, or other skiers; variations in terrain; and the failure of skiers to ski within their own abilities.
WARNING NOTICE FOR HUNTER MOUNTAIN. When skiing or riding in the State of New York, skiers, snowboarders and ski lift passengers are governed by the New York State Safety in Skiing Code (Article 18 of the NYS General Obligations Law). Before utilizing your pass or ticket at Hunter Mountain, affixing a ticket, or allowing a ticket to be affixed to your person, your attention is directed to a posted 'Warning to Skiers' which is displayed where lift tickets are purchased. New York law requires you to seek out, read, review and understand the 'Warning to Skiers' sign before you decide to participate in the sport of skiing.
WARNING NOTICE FOR WILMOT MOUNTAIN. When skiing, riding, or using the lifts in the State of Wisconsin, you agree that the following additional warning notice applies to you and your use of any Season Pass or other lift access pass product or ticket:
Under Wisconsin law, each participant in an alpine sport assumes the risk of injury or death to person or injury to property resulting from the conditions and risks that are considered to be inherent in an alpine sport, has a number of duties that must be met while engaging in an alpine sport, and is subject to limitations on the ability to recover damages from a ski area operator for injuries or death to a person or to property. A complete copy of this law is available for review here and at Wilmot Mountain.
Questions. If you have any questions regarding these Terms, please visit epicpass.com and view our FAQs, visit snow.com for our latest updates, or email us at comments@vailresorts.com.
If you pay a deposit towards the purchase of a Season Pass, you agree to be bound by this Season Pass Deposit Policy:
- I agree the credit card or other payment method provided to pay the deposit, or an alternative credit card or payment method, will be on file and authorized for the remaining balance of the Season Pass product purchased. The remaining balance will be automatically charged to my credit card in or around the Fall preceding the applicable Ski & Ride Season. In the event the total price of the Season Pass product is lowered prior to the start of the Ski & Ride Season, the remaining balance due will be reduced by the amount by which the total price is lowered.
- I agree to provide a valid email address for the express purpose of receiving communications regarding this transaction. I understand this is the only manner by which I will receive such communications.
- I AGREE THAT THIS PASS IS NON-REFUNDABLE EXCEPT AS SET FORTH IN THE EPIC COVERAGE REFUND POLICY. Once the $49 deposit payment has been made, the $49 deposit payment cannot be cancelled or refunded, nor can the pass purchase be cancelled or refunded, except as set forth in the EPIC Coverage Refund Policy.
- Vail Resorts expressly reserves the right, in its sole and absolute discretion, to modify any portion of this Policy. If we make a material change to this Policy, we will dispatch a notice to you of such changes and/or post the amended terms on epicpass.com. You are responsible for periodically reviewing this Policy for updates and amendments. Your purchase of a Season Pass, lift access product, or other applicable product or service, your payment of any deposit or other amount towards the purchase of any Season Pass, lift access product, or other applicable product or service, your use of your Season Pass, lift access product, or other applicable product or service, or your failure to opt-out of your Season Pass, lift access product, or other applicable product or service, if applicable, following our posting of a revised Policy or dispatching of a change notice of a revised Policy constitutes acceptance of the amended terms.
Other restrictions may apply. For complete details on restrictions, reservations, and restricted peak dates please visit epicpass.com or ask a sales representative. Unless otherwise stated, Child is defined as 5-12. Teen is defined as 13-18. Adult is defined as 13+ (if no teen product) or 19+. For questions, call 970.754.0008 or visit epicpass.com.
If you enroll in the annual automatic pass renewal program (the “Auto Renew Program”) with an eligible Pass (“Eligible Pass”) listed below, you agree to be bound by this Auto-Renew Policy. The prices charged by us will be those in effect on the date of receipt of your order. When placing your order, the checkout page will specify (i) your selected package (i.e., initial down payment; balance payment date; auto-renew plan); and (ii) the automatically renewing membership fee that is due and the frequency of the billing cycle. We reserve the right to update, change, modify or terminate your subscription benefits at any time in our sole discretion.
- Once your enrollment is accepted, you acknowledge and agree that your purchase shall include automatically renewing charges for the plan you have selected (“Subscription Services”). You authorize us to charge your chosen payment method on the recurring basis specified on the checkout page in conjunction with your package (“Billing Cycle”) until you cancel or we suspend, end or otherwise terminate your access to the Subscription Services, which we may do at any time. Your access to the Subscription Services provides you with the opportunity to use certain pass benefits as described here and on the Details Page, provided that your non-use will not obligate us to provide you with any refund, in whole or in part, of your down payment or subsequent fees. Your continued use of the Subscription Services reaffirms that we are authorized to charge your payment method on the recurring basis to which you agreed at enrollment. FOR THE AVOIDANCE OF DOUBT, WE MAY SUBMIT PERIODIC CHARGES WITHOUT FURTHER AUTHORIZATION FROM YOU, UNTIL YOU AFFIRMATIVELY CANCEL YOUR SUBSCRIPTION SERVICES OR NOTIFY US THAT YOU WISH TO CHANGE YOUR PAYMENT METHOD INFORMATION.
- If you/your child are moved into a new age bracket on or before April 6, you/your child's pass will be moved into the next appropriate age bracket. Age categories will be verified each year against the birth date on file, in order to confirm the specified pass is appropriate for the actual age of the pass holder. Customers will automatically get moved into the correct product age category while enrolled in the Auto Renew Program provided that we shall notify you 30-60 days in advance of any price increases (and you may choose to cancel before any such price increases go into effect).
- The resorts included on our passes and ancillary pass benefits are subject to change without notice. If your pass product should change, you agree that your pass will be automatically renewed with the closest comparable season pass product from your initial purchase as determined by us. If you choose Epic® FlexPay, Upgrade will reach out to you prior to the following season to update and confirm your plan selection.
- Pass holders who want to upgrade or change their Pass while enrolled in the Auto Renew Program can call Guest Services at 970-754-0005. Note that downgrading your pass and most other changes cannot be made after the deadline to opt out of the Auto Renew Program for the applicable Ski & Ride Season.
- Your release of liability form covers up to three (3) years of season pass participation within the Auto Renew Program. After three (3) years of enrollment in the Auto Renew Program, you will need to re-sign the liability form.
- The $49 down payment will be charged to your credit card in the Spring and the balance payment will be charged in or around the Fall preceding the applicable Ski & Ride Season.
- By electing to enroll in the Auto Renew Program, YOU AGREE AND UNDERSTAND THAT YOUR PASS IS NON-REFUNDABLE EXCEPT AS SET FORTH IN THE EPIC COVERAGE REFUND POLICY. Vail Resorts reserves the right to modify its refund policies for future seasons.
- You may opt out of the Auto Renew Program for the following season prior to the Spring payment date identified at enrollment. You may enroll in Auto Renew any time after your initial purchase. To opt out or enroll in the Auto Renew Program, please call 970.754.0005 or e-mail seasonpass@vailresorts.com. You may also opt out of the Auto Renew Program online in My Account.
Vail Resorts expressly reserves the right, in its sole and absolute discretion, to modify any portion of this Policy. If we make a material change to this Policy, we will dispatch a notice to you of such changes and/or post the amended terms on epicpass.com. You are responsible for periodically reviewing this Policy for updates and amendments. Your purchase of a Season Pass, lift access product, or other applicable product or service, your payment of any deposit or other amount towards the purchase of any Season Pass, lift access product, or other applicable product or service, your use of your Season Pass, lift access product, or other applicable product or service, or your failure to opt-out of your Season Pass, lift access product, or other applicable product or service, if applicable, following our posting of a revised Policy or dispatching of a change notice of a revised Policy constitutes an acceptance of the amended terms.
Eligible passes include Epic, Epic Local, Epic Day Pass, Retired and Veteran Military Passes, Summit Value, Keystone Plus Pass, Tahoe Local, Tahoe Value, Kirkwood, Afton Alps, Wilmot and Mt. Brighton Season Passes, Park City Youth Pass, 65+ Keystone Breck Pass, Senior 70+ 10 Day Pass, Northeast Value Pass, Stevens Pass Select and Premium Passes, Crested Butte Pass, Ohio Pass, Hidden Valley Pass, Snow Creek Pass, Paoli Peaks Pass, Whistler Blackcomb Unlimited Season Pass, Whistler Blackcomb 2, 5 and 10 Day EDGE Cards, and Whistler Blackcomb Day Passes.
Active and Dependent Military Passes, Epic Australia Passes, Epic SchoolKids Packs , the Keystone Crested Butte 4-Pack, College Passes and certain Senior Passes are excluded.
- Lift Ticket Refund Policy. This Lift Ticket Refund Policy (the “Policy”) is the refund policy applicable to all lift tickets. This Policy applies only to lift tickets. It does not apply to any other lift access products, such as Season Passes. Your lift ticket is not refundable except as set forth in this Policy.
- Terms of Sale. This Policy is incorporated into the Lift Access Products Terms of Sale to which you must agree when purchasing a lift ticket. By purchasing a lift ticket, you are agreeing to be bound by this Policy and the Lift Access Products Terms of Sale, including without limitation the forum selection, release/sole remedy, limitations on liability, and class action and jury waiver provisions set forth therein.
- Processing of Request. Vail Resorts will use reasonable efforts to respond to your refund request in a timely manner, but does not guarantee that your refund request will be processed within any specified or maximum period of time.
- Proper Submission. Vail Resorts shall have no obligation to process any refund requests that are not timely submitted, incomplete, or not submitted through the methods required by this Policy. Your failure to submit a timely and complete refund request through the required methods will forfeit any right you may have to such refund.
- No Access After Refund. If you receive a refund, your single day or multi-day lift ticket will cease to be valid and you will no longer be able to use your lift ticket.
- Ticket Revocation. You will not be eligible for a refund of any kind if you are unable to use your single day or multi-day lift ticket due to your ticket being revoked, confiscated, canceled, deactivated, and/or not re-issued because Vail Resorts, in its sole and exclusive judgment, determined that you acted in a manner that could endanger the safety or health of any person, violated any law or resort or facility policy, engaged in any fraud, misconduct, or malfeasance, created a nuisance, failed to pay amounts due, or for other good cause.
- Questions. If you have any questions regarding this Policy or other inquiries, please view our FAQs or email us at comments@vailresorts.com.
1. Eligibility for a Refund - Unused Lift Ticket. If you have not used your single-day or multi-day lift ticket, you are eligible to receive a full refund.
a. Single-Day Lift Tickets. You are eligible to receive a refund for an unused single-day lift ticket if you request a refund no later than 5 p.m. mountain standard time on the expiration date for which your lift ticket provides access.
b. Multi-Day Lift Tickets. You are eligible to receive a refund for any unused days within your multi-day lift ticket if you request a refund no later than 5 p.m. mountain standard time on the expiration date for which your lift ticket provides access.
2. Amount of Refund.
a. Single-Day Lift Tickets. If you are eligible, the amount of your refund will be the full amount you paid for your lift ticket (excluding any discounts, promotions, credits, or non-reimbursable taxes).
b. Multi-Day Lift Tickets. If you are eligible, the amount of your refund will equal the difference between the amount you paid for your lift ticket and the amount you would have paid, as determined by Vail Resorts, for a comparable lift ticket for the number of unused days remaining on your lift ticket. For example, if you purchased a 3-day advanced lift ticket and you did not use your last day, your refund would equal the difference between the amount you paid for the 3-day advanced lift ticket and the amount you would have paid for a 2-day advanced lift ticket, as determined by Vail Resorts.
3. How to Request a Refund.
a. In-Person Request. You may submit your refund request in person at the ticket window of the resort for which your lift ticket provides access.
b. Phone Request. You may request a refund by contacting the call center for the resort for which your lift ticket provides access. Please visit the resort’s website to obtain this number.
1. Eligibility for a Refund - Illness/Injury. If you are unable to use or continue using your single-day or multi-day lift ticket due to an illness or injury, you may be eligible for a partial or full refund.
a. Single-Day Lift Tickets. You are eligible to receive a refund for a single-day lift ticket due to illness or injury if you request a refund no later than 5 p.m. mountain standard time on the expiration date for which your lift ticket provides access.
b. Multi-Day Lift Tickets. You are eligible to receive a partial or full refund for a multiday lift ticket due to illness or injury if you request a refund no later than 5 p.m. mountain standard time on one of the days for which your lift ticket provides access. You will not receive any refund for any days on your lift ticket that precede the date on which you make your refund request, nor will you receive any refund for any days on your lift ticket for which you do not submit a request before 5 p.m. mountain standard time.
2. Verification of Illness/Injury. Vail Resorts may require proof or verification of your illness or injury to determine your eligibility for a refund. If you are unable to provide acceptable proof of illness or injury (as determined in our sole and absolute discretion), we reserve the right to deny your refund request.
3. Amount of Refund.
a. Single-Day Lift Tickets. If you are eligible, the amount of your refund will be the full amount you paid for your lift ticket (excluding any discounts, promotions, credits, or non-reimbursable taxes).
b. Multi-Day Lift Tickets. If you are eligible, the amount of your refund will equal the difference between the amount you paid for your lift ticket and the amount you would have paid, as determined by Vail Resorts, for a comparable lift ticket for the number of days on your ticket unaffected by illness or injury. For example, if you purchased a 3-day advanced lift ticket and you were unable to ski on your last day due to illness or injury, your refund would equal the difference between the amount you paid for the 3-day advanced lift ticket and the amount you would have paid for a 2-day advanced lift ticket, as determined by Vail Resorts.
4. How to Request a Refund.
a. In-Person Request. You may submit your refund request in person at the ticket window of the resort for which your lift ticket provides access.
b. Phone Request. You may request a refund by contacting the call center for the resort for which your lift ticket provides access. Please visit the resort’s website to obtain this number.
1. Eligibility for a Refund - Closures/Cancellations Due to COVID-19. If no lifts are operating at a resort for an entire day or Vail Resorts cancels your lift ticket due to COVID-19, you are eligible for a full refund for the affected day(s) on your lift ticket.
2. Amount of Refund.
a. Single-Day Lift Tickets. If you are eligible, the amount of your refund will be the full amount you paid for your lift ticket (excluding any discounts, promotions, credits, or non-reimbursable taxes).
b. Multi-Day Lift Tickets. If you are eligible, the amount of your refund will equal the difference between the amount you paid for your lift ticket and the amount you would have paid, as determined by Vail Resorts, for a comparable lift ticket for the number of days on your ticket unaffected by the resort closure or ticket cancellation due to COVID-19. For example, if you purchased a 3-day advanced lift ticket and you were unable to ski on your last day due to a COVID-19 resort closure, your refund would equal the difference between the amount you paid for the 3-day advanced lift ticket and the amount you would have paid for a 2-day advanced lift ticket, as determined by Vail Resorts.
3. How to Request a Refund. If a qualifying resort closure or lift ticket cancellation due to COVID-19 occurs on a date for which your lift ticket provides access, Vail Resorts may process your refund automatically or may provide you notice (e.g., by email, website announcements/FAQs, or social media posts) that it is unable to process your refund automatically or further action is required by you within a specified time period to process your refund. Vail Resorts will use reasonable efforts to process your refund but cannot guarantee that your refund will be processed within any specified or maximum period of time. In the event you believe you are entitled to a refund due to a COVID-19-related resort closure or lift ticket cancellation and you have not been refunded or contacted by or received information from Vail Resorts within eight (8) weeks of the final date on which your lift ticket could be used, please contact the call center for the resort for which your lift ticket provides access. Please visit the resort’s website to obtain this number.
1. Eligibility for a Refund - Closures/Cancellations Not Due to COVID-19. If no lifts are operating at a resort for an entire day or Vail Resorts cancels your lift ticket for the entire day due to reasons not related to COVID-19 or ticket revocation, you are eligible for a full refund for the affected day(s) on your lift ticket.
2. Amount of Refund.
a. Single-Day Lift Tickets. If you are eligible, the amount of your refund will be the full amount you paid for your lift ticket (excluding any discounts, promotions, credits, or non-reimbursable taxes).
b. Multi-Day Lift Tickets. If you are eligible, the amount of your refund will equal the difference between the amount you paid for your lift ticket and the amount you would have paid, as determined by Vail Resorts, for a comparable lift ticket for the number of days on your ticket unaffected by the resort closure or ticket cancellation. For example, if you purchased a 3-day advanced lift ticket and you were unable to ski on your last day due to the closure, your refund would equal the difference between the amount you paid for the 3-day advanced lift ticket and the amount you would have paid for a 2-day advanced lift ticket, as determined by Vail Resorts.
3. How to Request a Refund. If a resort closure or lift ticket cancellation occurs due to reasons unrelated to COVID-19 (or ticket revocation) on a date for which your lift ticket provides access, you must request a refund within thirty (30) days of the final date on which your lift ticket could be used. You may submit your request in the following ways:
a. In-Person Request. You may submit your refund request in person at the ticket window of the resort for which your lift ticket provides access.
b. Phone Request. You may request a refund by contacting the call center for the resort for which your lift ticket provides access. Please visit the resort’s website to obtain this number.
* * *
Vail Resorts expressly reserves the right, in its sole and absolute discretion, to modify any portion of this Policy. If we make a material change to this Policy, we will dispatch a notice to you of such changes and/or post the amended terms on epicpass.com. You are responsible for periodically reviewing this Policy for updates and amendments. Your purchase of a Season Pass, lift access product, or other applicable product or service, your payment of any deposit or other amount towards the purchase of any Season Pass, lift access product, or other applicable product or service, your use of your Season Pass, lift access product, or other applicable product or service, or your failure to opt-out of your Season Pass, lift access product, or other applicable product or service, if applicable, following our posting of a revised Policy or dispatching of a change notice of a revised Policy constitutes an acceptance of the amended terms.
Last Updated: March 4, 2025
Please carefully read these Ski & Ride terms and conditions, which also include resort-specific policies in Appendix 1 (incorporated herein) (collectively “Terms”). These Terms (in their entirety) constitute a binding agreement between you and the Vail Corporation, doing business as Vail Resorts Management Company, including its subsidiaries and affiliates (“Vail Resorts”, “we” or “us”). To the extent Appendix 1 provides different or additional resort-specific policies, such policies shall apply only to the Ski & Ride School and its respective Ski & Ride School Products (defined below) at that resort, but only in relation to the specific topic and only to the extent specified; in all other respects, these Terms shall apply. By purchasing a Ski & Ride School Product you, and any person on whose behalf you purchase a Ski & Ride School Product, are agreeing to be bound by these Terms.
The following definitions apply to these Terms.
“Cancellation Fee” means 50% of the cost of any Ski & Ride School Product.
“Family Member” means your child, domestic partner, brother, sister, mother, father, stepchild, stepbrother, stepsister, stepparents, legal guardian, foster child, ward or legal ward.
“H&S Protocols” means any protocols posted or in effect at any resort that promote health and safety.
“Lift Access Product” means any product sold by Vail Resorts that grants lift access.
“Seasonal Program” means an advanced commitment, multi-day program that takes place on pre-assigned dates over the course of the season.
“Ski & Ride School” means a ski and snowboard school located at a resort that is owned and operated by Vail Resorts.
“Ski & Ride School Product” means a private lesson, group lesson, Seasonal Program or other product available for purchase at any Ski & Ride School.
“Vail Resorts Parties” means Vail Resorts and each of its resorts, subsidiaries, affiliates, and their respective officers, directors, employees, contractors, representatives, and agents.
- Resort Operations. Vail Resorts has the right, in its sole and absolute discretion, to operate its resorts, facilities, and amenities in the manner it deems appropriate in its sole and exclusive judgment. Vail Resorts’ right to operate in the manner it deems appropriate includes, but is not limited to, the right to modify, expand, reduce, or cease operations of any resorts, facilities, or amenities at any time and for any period of time, and to implement, from time to time, modify, expand, reduce, or cease any policies or procedures related to any resorts, facilities, or amenities or the use of your Season Pass or other lift access product, and the right to implement, modify, expand, reduce, or cease any reduced capacity or reservations systems or other requirements to use your Ski & Ride School Product.
- No Guarantee. VAIL RESORTS DOES NOT MAKE ANY GUARANTEES WITH RESPECT TO SKI & RIDE SCHOOL PRODUCTS. For example, your purchase of any Ski & Ride School Product does not guarantee: (a) access to any resorts, facilities, amenities, or instructors at any given time or for any number of days or for any minimum number of days or (b) any particular guest experience or your satisfaction with your guest experience at or with any resorts, facilities, amenities, or instructors. Your admission to any resorts, facilities, or amenities is subject to, among other things, capacity constraints, closures, and staffing. Nothing in these Terms is a commitment by Vail Resorts to keep any resort, facilities, or amenities open for any particular period or amount of time and Vail Resorts reserves right to close any of its resorts, facilities, or amenities in its sole and absolute discretion. Vail Resorts is not obligated to sell you a Season Pass, a lift access product, or any other products or services and expressly reserves the right, in its sole and absolute discretion, to refuse to sell any products and services to you or any other person.
- Ski & Ride School General Policies & Procedures. The following policies and procedures apply to all Ski & Ride School Products:
- If you are late to your lesson and the Ski & Ride School is not able to accommodate you for that day or you cannot reschedule for any reason, you will not be able to participate in your lesson and you will not be eligible for a refund.
- The resort reserves the right to cancel, reschedule or change lesson dates/times due to, by way of example but without limitation, availability of instructors, terrain, weather conditions, insufficient lesson participants (varies by resort see Appendix 1), guest punctuality, lift access, etc.
- If a resort cancels a lesson, they will attempt to reschedule that lesson. If it cannot be rescheduled, a refund will be issued.
- You must follow all H&S Protocols. H&S Protocols may be posted at the Ski & Ride School or provided to you verbally by your instructor.
- Unless otherwise stated in Appendix 1 children age 14 and under must wear a winter sport protective helmet while participating in a lesson, subject to local regulations. In addition, children and teens under the age of 18 who participate in designated children's classes or programs must wear a helmet.
- You are responsible for your safety and that of others while participating in winter mountain sports activities. Always show courtesy to others and be aware that there are elements of risk in skiing and riding that common sense and personal awareness can help reduce. Know your ability level and stay within it. Become familiar with and observe "Your Responsibility Code" and share with other skiers and riders the responsibility for a great skiing experience.
- If you are late to your lesson and the Ski & Ride School is not able to accommodate you for that day or you cannot reschedule for any reason, you will not be able to participate in your lesson and you will not be eligible for a refund.
- Private Lesson Policies. The following policies apply to private lessons only:
- If you request a private lesson online, this Ski & Ride School Product will appear as “Purchased” in the trip folder. However, your credit card will not be charged until after the Ski & Ride School has sent you a confirmation email to confirm your lesson has been booked. If you do not receive a confirmation email with the date and lesson details at least 24 hours prior to your lesson start time, please contact the Ski & Ride School using the contact information provided in Appendix 1. A lesson is not confirmed until you hear from a representative of the resort specific Ski & Ride School.
- You may add additional guests to your private lesson; please see Appendix 1 for details on the number of guests you may add to the private lesson. The number of additional guests you may add varies by resort. Each guest will also need a valid Lift Access Product to participate in the private lesson.
- Please be aware that you may be contacted by an agent of the Ski & Ride School prior to your arrival to finalize additional lesson details.
- If you request a private lesson online, this Ski & Ride School Product will appear as “Purchased” in the trip folder. However, your credit card will not be charged until after the Ski & Ride School has sent you a confirmation email to confirm your lesson has been booked. If you do not receive a confirmation email with the date and lesson details at least 24 hours prior to your lesson start time, please contact the Ski & Ride School using the contact information provided in Appendix 1. A lesson is not confirmed until you hear from a representative of the resort specific Ski & Ride School.
- Lift Access. To participate in your lesson, you (or your guests in a private lesson) must have purchased a valid Lift Access Product. Lift Access Products are subject to the Lift Access Products Terms of Sale. Your access to any resorts, facilities, or amenities may be subject to additional terms and policies.
- Timing for Credit Card Charge. The credit card you used to purchase a Ski & Ride School Product may be charged at any time from the date of your booking to your actual lesson date. If the original payment method fails when we attempt to process the charge, we may charge an alternative payment method on file.
- Refund, Cancellation & Rescheduling Policy.
- Changes or cancellations can be made in advance of your lesson date by calling or emailing the Ski & Ride School conducting your lesson. The phone number and email address are provided in Appendix 1.
- Changes to your Ski & Ride School Product are subject to lesson and instructor availability. Vail Resorts, in its sole discretion, reserves the right to refuse any change request.
- If you cancel a Ski & Ride School Product more than 48 hours before the lesson begins, you will receive a full refund.
- If you cancel a Ski & Ride School Product less than 48 hours before the lesson begins, you will be charged the Cancellation Fee.
- For Ski & Ride School Products that contain one lesson day, the Cancellation Fee is 50% of the cost of the lesson.
- For Ski & Ride School Products that contain multiple lesson days, the Cancellation Fee is 50% of the cost of the first lesson. All other days in a multiple lesson Ski & Ride School Product will be fully refunded.
- Example: An individual has purchased a Ski & Ride School Product with 3 fullday lessons for a total price of $1,200. This individual cancels the entire Ski & Ride School Product 18 hours prior to the lesson start time. The Cancellation Fee will be $200 ($400 x 50%). The refunded amount will be $1,000 ((1st lesson day - $200) + (2 lesson days @ $400 per day)).
- If you cancel a Ski & Ride School Product less than 48 hours before the lesson begins and the reason for your cancellation is due to personal illness or injury, we will issue a full refund. However, we reserve the right to request medical documentation confirming your personal illness or injury and may deny the refund if such documentation is not promptly supplied.
- Resort Closure: You may be eligible for a “Closure and Cancellation Refund” (or “C&C Refund”) if a Reservation Cancellation Event occurs.
- A “Reservation Cancellation Event” occurs when Vail Resorts cancels one or more of your lessons due to a Resort Closure Event.
- A “Resort Closure Event” occurs at a resort when no lifts are operating at that resort due to one or more of the following reasons:
- The occurrence of a disease, epidemic, or pandemic, including the COVID-19 pandemic;
- The occurrence of a flood, hurricane, tornado, earthquake, fire, or volcanic eruption (each a “Natural Disaster”);
- The occurrence of a terrorist attack; or
- The occurrence of a hostile or war-like action.
- If you are eligible for a C&C Refund, Vail Resorts will automatically issue a refund to the credit card you have on file.
- A “Reservation Cancellation Event” occurs when Vail Resorts cancels one or more of your lessons due to a Resort Closure Event.
- Refunds will not be issued in any of the following circumstances:
- You are not eligible for a refund based on any inability to use all or some of your Ski & Ride School Product due to weather or wind-related events, including snow levels.
- You are not eligible for a refund in any amount if you request the refund after the lesson has already taken place.
- Seasonal Programs
- Seasonal Programs canceled at least 30 days prior to the program start date will be issued a full refund.
- Seasonal Programs canceled within 30 days of the program start date will be charged the Cancellation Fee.
- The Cancellation Fee for Seasonal Programs is 50% of the program cost.
- No partial refunds or rescheduling options are available for days missed by the participant.
- Programs are non-transferable and refunds will not be offered once the program starts.
- For Seasonal Programs at Afton Alps, Wilmot, Mad River, Hidden Valley MO, Snow Creek, and Mt Brighton lasting three (3) weeks or less, the provisions in Sections 7.j.i through 7.j.iii of this Refund & Cancellation Policy shall not apply.
- Changes or cancellations can be made in advance of your lesson date by calling or emailing the Ski & Ride School conducting your lesson. The phone number and email address are provided in Appendix 1.
- Release of Liability, Assumption of Risks, and Indemnity Agreement. If you purchase a Ski & Ride School Product, you agree to sign and be bound by the Release of Liability, Assumption of Risks and Indemnity Agreement. If you do not sign and accept the Release of Liability, Assumption of Risks and Indemnity Agreement, you will not be allowed to participate in your lesson. You will not be eligible for a refund based on any failure or refusal to sign the Release of Liability, Assumption of Risks and Indemnity Agreement unless you also request a refund in accordance with the Refund & Cancellation Policy contained in these Terms.
- Governing Law. These Terms and the relationship between you and Vail Resorts will be governed by the laws of the State of Colorado in the same manner as such laws are applied to agreements made, entered into, and performed entirely in Colorado.
- Forum Selection. All lawsuits relating to or arising out of these Terms will be brought in the Federal or State Courts located in Colorado. We and you hereby irrevocably submit to the exclusive personal jurisdiction of such courts for such purpose and waive any objection to such courts on any basis, including without limitation improper venue or inconvenience of the forum.
- Time Limitation for Filing Suit. You agree that regardless of any statute or law to the contrary, any claim or cause of action arising out of or related to these Terms must be filed within one (1) year after such claim or cause of action arose or be forever barred.
- Release; Sole Remedy. You hereby voluntarily and knowingly agree, to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, to waive, release, and forfeit any and all claims and actions you have or may have against Vail Resorts or any Vail Resorts Parties and any associated losses, damages and expenses (including attorneys’ fees), that relate to, arise out of, or may arise out of the operation of our resorts, your inability to use your Ski & Ride School Product during the time period for which it was purchased, or a violation of these Terms or any of other terms or policies referenced herein. Refunds under these Terms are your sole remedy against any of the Vail Resorts Parties in connection with the operation of our resorts or your inability to use your Ski & Ride School Product during the time period for which it was purchased.
- If you are a California resident, you waive California Civil Code Section 1542, which says: “A general release does not extend to claims that the creditor or releasing party does not know or suspect to exist in his or her favor at the time of executing the release and that, if known by him or her, would have materially affected his or her settlement with the debtor or released party.” If you are a resident of another jurisdiction, you waive any comparable statute or doctrine.
- Limitation of Liability. You understand and agree that to the maximum extent permitted under applicable law, in no event will ANY OF THE Vail Resorts PARTIES be liable under any theory of liability (whether in contract, tort, statutory, or otherwise) for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential, personal injury/wrongful death, punitive, or exemplary damages (EVEN IF SUCH PARTIES WERE ADVISED OF, KNEW OF OR SHOULD HAVE KNOWN OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES), INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO AS A RESULT OF: (A) THE OPERATION OF OUR RESORTS, INCLUDING THE OPERATION OF RESERVATION OR REDUCED CAPACITY SYSTEMS, (B) YOUR USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE ANY SKI & RIDE SCHOOL PRODUCT, OR (C) ANY VIOLATION BY US OF THESE TERMS OR OTHER TERMS OR POLICIES REFERENCED HEREIN. NOTWITHSTANDING THE FOREGOING, SUCH LIABILITY WILL NOT IN THE AGGREGATE EXCEED THE AMOUNT YOU PAID FOR THE SKI & RIDE SCHOOL PRODUCT YOU PURCHASED.
- Liability Exclusions and Limitations. Some jurisdictions do not allow the limitation or exclusion of liability for incidental or consequential damages. Accordingly, some of the above limitations and disclaimers may not apply to you. To the extent that we may not, as a matter of applicable law, limit our liabilities, the extent of liability of Vail Resorts or the Vail Resorts Parties will be the minimum permitted under such applicable law. We disclaim any warranties to the maximum extent permitted under applicable law.
- Class Action and Jury Waiver. You may only resolve disputes RELATING TO OR arising out of these Terms on an individual basis and may not bring and expressly waive the right to bring a claim as a plaintiff or a class member in a class, consolidated, or representative action. Class action, private attorney general actions, and consolidation with other actions are not allowed. You hereby waive your right to a jury trial in any claim or cause of action RELATING TO OR arising out of these Terms.
- Electronic Communications Notice. You agree to provide a valid email address for the express purpose of receiving communications regarding this transaction. You understand this may be the only manner by which you will receive such communications. When you use our website or send emails to us, you are communicating with us electronically. You consent to receiving communications from us electronically. We may communicate with you by email or posting notices on the applicable website. You agree that all agreements and other communications that we provide to you electronically satisfy any legal requirement that such communications be in writing. In order to access any such communications, you must have a computer or other Internet-enabled device. In order to retain copies of any such communications, you must have a printer or data storage device. If you have a printer, you may print paper copies of any such communications for your own use. If you wish to withdraw your consent for us to communicate with you electronically, you may not use our website.
- Severability. If any provision of these Terms is found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, you nevertheless agree that the court should endeavor to give effect to our intentions as reflected in the provision, and that the other provisions of these Terms remain in full force and effect.
- Modifications. Our customer service representatives are not authorized to modify any provision of these Terms, either verbally or in writing.
Questions. If you have any questions regarding these Terms, please visit the applicable resort website and view our FAQs, visit snow.com for our latest updates, or contact support here.
For changes, refunds and questions related to your Ski and Ride School product contact the school directly. Each Ski and Ride School has specific policies that modify the policies contained in these Terms. To the extent the policies contained in this Appendix 1 conflict with the policies contained above, the policies in this Appendix 1 shall control. Each Ski & Ride School’s specific contact information and policies are as follows:
On a mobile device, scroll to the right to see complete information in the below table.
Resort Contact Information | Resort Policies |
Afton Alps Ski & Ride School (651) 436-5245 AftonAlpsSkiSchool@vailresorts.com |
Alpine Valley Ski & Ride School (440) 285-2211 AVSnowsports@vailresorts.com |
Attitash Ski & Ride School (603) 374-2677 Attitashskischool@vailresorts.com |
Beaver Creek Ski & Snowboard School (970) 754-5300 BCskischool@vailresorts.com |
Boston Mills / Brandywine Ski & Ride School (330) 657-2334 ext.2010 bmbwsnowsports@vailresorts.com |
Breckenridge Ski & Snowboard School (970) 496-3272 lrn2ski@vailresorts.com |
Crested Butte Ski & Ride School (970)251-7023 CBskischool@vailresorts.com |
Crotched Mountain Ski & Ride School (603) 588-3668 ext.240 CrotchedMtnSkiSchool@vailresorts.com |
Heavenly Ski & Ride School 1 (800) HEAVENLY opt.3 HvSkiSchool@vailresorts.com |
Hidden Valley Ski & Ride School, Wildwood MO (636) 938-5373 HISnowSports@vailresorts.com |
Hidden Valley Ski & Snowboard School, Somerset PA (582) 682-7324 HiddenValleyPASRS@vailresorts.com |
Hunter Mountain Ski & Ride School (800) 486-8376 huskischool@vailresorts.com |
Jack Frost / Big Boulder Ski & Ride School (570) 443-8425 jfbbsrs@vailresorts.com |
Keystone Ski & Ride School (970) 496-4170 Keystoneskiandride@vailresorts.com |
Kirkwood Ski & Ride School (209) 258-7754 Kirkwoodlessons@vailresorts.com |
Laurel Mountain & Ski Snowboard School (582) 682-7341 LaurelMtnSRS@vailresorts.com |
Liberty Mountain Ski & Ride School |
Mad River Ski & Ride School (937) 599-1015 ext.291 MASnowSports@vailresorts.com |
Mt Brighton Ski & Ride School (810) 229-9581 mtbrightonskischool@vailresorts.com |
Mt Snow Ski & Snowboard School (802) 464-4008 Group Lessons: MountSnowLessons@vailresorts.com Private Lessons: MountSnowPrivateLessons@vailresorts.com |
Mt Sunapee Ski & Snowboard School (603) 763-3564 MtSunapeeSRS@vailresorts.com |
Northstar Ski & Snowboard School (530) 562-1010 Group Lessons: NSGroupLessons@vailresorts.com Private Lessons: NorthstarLessons@vailresorts.com |
Okemo Ski & Snowboard School (802) 228-1600 OkSkiandRideSchool@vailresorts.com |
Park City Ski & Snowboard School (435) 658-5530 ParkCitySkiSchool@vailresorts.com |
Paoli Peaks Ski & Ride School (812) 203-3073 PaoliPeaksSnowsports@vailresorts.com |
Roundtop Ski & Ride School (717) 432-9631 RoundtopSkiSchool@vailresorts.com |
Seven Springs Ski & Snowboard School (582) 682-7446 7springsSRS@vailresorts.com |
Snow Creek Ski & Ride School (816) 640-2016 SnowCreekSkiSchool@vailresorts.com |
Stevens Pass Ski & Snowboard School (206) 812-4510 SPSnowSchool@vailresorts.com |
Stowe Ski & Snowboard School (802) 253-3000 StoweSkiSchool@vailresorts.com |
Vail Ski & Snowboard School (970) 754-4300 VailSkiSchool@vailresorts.com |
Whistler Blackcomb Snow School 1-800-766-0449 or (604)-967-8950 wbreservations@vailresorts.com |
Whitetail Ski & Ride School (717) 328-9400 WTSkiSchool@vailresorts.com |
Wildcat Ski & Ride School (888) SKI WILD Wildcatinfo@vailresorts.com |
Wilmot Ski & Ride School (262) 862-2301 WilmotSkiSchool@vailresorts.com |
On a mobile device, scroll to the right to see complete information in the above table.
Privacy Policy
Updated: July 12, 2024
Vail Resorts Inc., through its subsidiaries, provides a variety of resort services around the world (together, “Vail Resorts”). We value you as a guest and know that you care how information about you is collected and used. This Privacy Notice (the “Privacy Notice” or “Notice”) informs you about what information we collect and how we use it. This Notice is part of the Terms of Use published on our Sites. Click here to review the Terms of Use.
This Notice applies to the Personal Information we collect when you visit any Vail Resorts website or use an online or mobile application, such as EpicMix®, Emma™, the Perisher Dashboard, or other Vail Resorts application - where the Notice is referenced (our “Sites”). The Notice also applies to the Personal Information we collect when you visit any of our resorts, retail locations, rental locations, lodging, events sponsored in whole or in part by Vail Resorts, or other service providers worldwide (our “Locations”). By interacting with Vail Resorts through our Sites or providing specific information at any of our Locations, you consent to the use of Personal Information that is collected or submitted as described in this Privacy Notice.
Personal Information We Collect
When we use the term “Personal Information” we mean information that identifies, relates to, describes, is capable of being associated with, or could reasonably be linked, directly or indirectly, with a natural person or household, such as a real name, postal address, e-mail address, telephone number, payment information, pass or lift ticket ID number or identities, profile photographs and location information. When other information (such as consumer preferences, demographic information, or opinions about an identified individual or reasonably identifiable individual) is directly associated with Personal Information, we treat this other information as Personal Information. Information that is de-identified, aggregated, or anonymized will not be considered Personal Information. Publicly available information (made available from federal, state, or local government records) may be considered Personal Information, and may only be processed for the purpose for which it was published.
When visiting our Sites, interacting with us (e.g., over the phone, by email) or providing information at any of our Locations, we collect the following types of Personal Information:
- identification data (e.g., first name, last name, postal address, phone number, email address);
- payment details or methods and transaction information (e.g., when you purchase lift tickets, event tickets, or goods, or book accommodations online);
- location data (e.g., the location where you stay or ski, the location of an event at one of our Locations that you attend, location data sent by your device, the runs that you ski or ride, the ski lifts that you ride, a top level domain name such as .com, .gov., .au, .ca);
- connection data (e.g., IP address, connection speed, type of browser used and information communicated by your browser, mobile network information, data automatically communicated by your device);
- device information (e.g., device type, screen size, operating system);
- data regarding your use of our Sites (e.g., date and time of visits, viewing information, pages viewed, keystroke activity, time spent on pages, scroll activity, click/touch information, content you provide, such as through email or messages, and mouse movements);
- information relating to your preferences and activities (e.g., vertical distance by day; calories burned; time spent skiing or riding; individuals with whom you form groups for skiing or riding, as reflected in your use of our applications; frequency with which you use or visit various facilities, services, programs, or Locations; events attended);
- details of ski-related accidents and other incidents;
- an assessment of your skiing/riding ability; and
- photographs and video of you at our Locations or that you otherwise submit; and
- demographic information (e.g., household information, number of children, age ranges, gender).
In addition to the above, we may combine information you have provided to us on our Sites with information you have provided to us offline, including information you have provided to us at one of our Locations, and we may store this information together in your customer profile. For example, we may combine data automatically collected when you use your season ski pass, attend an event, rent equipment at one of our Locations, or otherwise visit one of our Locations, or data you provide to us when you stay at one of our hotels or resorts, with your customer profile. In addition, we may use your devices’ connection to WiFi, Bluetooth, or GPS in order to provide services specific to your use of our Sites or other accounts as described in this Privacy Notice. This enables us to provide the best experience possible when you visit our Locations.
If you provide us with Personal Information of other persons, for example information about the receiver of a gift, gift card, gift certificate or a referral, please provide their Personal Information to us only if you are allowed to do so pursuant to applicable data protection laws and only if the other person would agree to you providing Personal Information to us for the purposes the information is collected and processed according to our Privacy Notice.
Some personal information included in this section is considered “Sensitive Personal Information” or “Sensitive Data” under certain data privacy regulations. Where required by law, your explicit consent to collection, processing, or transferring of such Sensitive Personal Information will be obtained. Appropriate security and protection measures will be deployed that will be congruent with the nature and risks associated with the data and processing activities.
Sources of Personal Information
When providing Personal Information as described in this Notice, that Personal Information is primarily collected directly from you (e.g., when you fill out a form at one of our Locations or on one of our Sites) and you will know the precise information being collected by us. In certain circumstances, however, the information may be collected indirectly or from other sources, for example:
- when a third party provides information about you (e.g., if someone orders a gift, gift card, or gift certificate online and wants to send it directly to you, he/she must provide us with your name and address; if third parties, including travel agents or business partners with whom we have joint marketing or service providing arrangements, provide information about you);
- when your electronic communications devices, such as smartphones, tablets, or computers, automatically submit information;
- when technology implemented at our Locations provides us with information (e.g., when your ski pass is scanned at a chairlift);
- when we are provided information from other business partners;
- when you are at one of our Locations, and we take photographs or video of you; and
- when such information is available from public sources.
In certain limited circumstances, third-party service providers may collect information on our behalf, though such collection will always be within the context of the service provided. We may also automatically collect certain information as described in our Cookie Notice, but this is limited to the degree to which that information is considered Personal Information. In particular, we may collect personal and non-personal information through the following additional channels:
- our own cookies on our Sites;
- 3rd party cookies on our Sites;
- social media networks; and
- 3rd party software applications.
How We Use Your Personal Information
We use your Personal Information for the following purposes, all of which relate to the relationship between you and us, and the services we provide:
- to provide you or the person of your choice with the services and/or products you requested (e.g., passes—including use of your phone as your pass/ticket via Bluetooth—, reservations, services offered by our Sites—such as the summary of your ski day, and ability to share), to perform transactions, in particular to check your identity or the identity of the person you designated, as well as for billing and shipping purposes;
- providing you with souvenir, photography and video services; and
- to provide you and/or the person you designated with after-sale support in case you encounter any difficulties following your transaction with us.
We also may process your Personal Information for the purposes listed below, which are necessary for us to pursue our legitimate interest and provide you with quality services and products:
- for security and fraud prevention purposes as well as for protecting our rights, pursuing available remedies and enforcing our Terms of Use;
- to administer our systems, debug, and improve the performance and accessibility of our Sites and Locations;
- to monitor and optimize the use of our facilities (e.g., when you scan your pass and ride one of our chairlifts, we use such information for monitoring the use of our chairlifts; improvement of facilities based on number of attendees at events);
- to better understand your use of our products, services, programs, and events; and
- to improve our Sites, Locations and, more generally, our products, services, programs, and events.
In addition, with your consent, we may also process your Personal Information:
- to provide you with marketing communications, recommendations and special offers regarding our products and services, as well as products and services of third parties which might be of interest to you, and to give you the opportunity to enroll in our loyalty program; and
- to combine your data and implement profiling activities in order to better understand your needs, expectations and preferences and provide you with personalized content and targeted advertising accordingly.
By providing your residential or wireless phone number(s) to us, you expressly consent to receive certain non-marketing calls and text messages from or on behalf of Vail Resorts, where permitted by law. Your consent to receive calls or texts is not a condition of any purchase. Consent to receive calls or text messages can be revoked at any time; please follow the unsubscribe link in the relevant communications or contact us using the link at the bottom of the Notice. Even after you opt-out or update your marketing preferences, however, we may still contact you for transactional or informational purposes. These include, for example, customer service issues, returns or product-related inquiries, surveys or recalls, or any questions regarding a specific interaction.
Please refer to the Your Choices and Rights and State Privacy Rights sections below for information regarding how you can manage your options and exercise your rights with respect to your Personal Information.
Cookie Notice and Third-Party Advertisers
This Cookie Notice applies to any Sites operated by or on behalf of Vail Resorts, which may include other interactive properties linked through this and other Sites. We use technology such as “cookies” to help us provide customized services and as a means to collect dependable and consistent traffic data. A “cookie” is a small piece of data that is sent to a user’s browser from a web server and stored on a user’s hard drive.
These cookies, along with other technologies, such as web beacons, may also be used by Vail Resorts corporate partners and on co-branded websites to help us understand how you use our products and Sites and better provide advertising to you.
We may use third-party advertising companies to customize the advertisements you see on our Sites, on other websites, or on your mobile or other devices. These companies may use cookies, web beacons, or other technologies to collect information about your use of our Sites and other websites and applications, including in particular your IP address, web browser, mobile network information, pages viewed, time spent on pages or in applications, and links clicked. We may use this information to analyze data, determine the popularity of certain content, deliver advertising and content targeted to your interests, and better understand your online activity. Our service providers are bound by contract to keep your Personal Information confidential and use it only for the purposes laid out in the contract on our behalf. For more information about online behavioral advertising, or to learn about your choices related to such practices, please visit http://www.aboutads.info/choices or http://www.networkadvertising.org/choices.
By clicking to accept cookies, you are consenting to our use of cookies and similar technologies in accordance with this Cookie Notice. If you do not agree to our use of cookies and similar technologies,you can modify your cookies settings or, if applicable, opt out of “sharing” for targeted advertising (defined as cross-context behavioral advertising by California and similar terms under other states laws) for our Sites by clicking here or by following the Your Privacy Choices link in the footer. Although you are not required to accept cookies when you visit our Sites, please be aware that restricting cookies may impact how our Sites operate for you, and you may be unable to use all of the functionality of our Sites.
Cookies are not intended to harm your PC or do not contain any viruses. Please note that most browsers allow you to manage your cookies preferences by changing your settings. You may have the possibility to set your browser to: (i) automatically accept or refuse all cookies; (ii) automatically accept or refuse first party cookies and/or third parties cookies; (iii) notify you before any cookies are placed, so that you get the opportunity to decide whether you are willing to accept it or not.
Consequently, if you accept cookies in the first place but later change your mind and want to opt out, you may use your browser settings for deleting cookies already placed on your electronic devices and/or change your browser settings to refuse any further cookies or particular further cookies.
In addition, you may wish to visit www.aboutcookies.org, which contains comprehensive information on how to do this on a wide variety of browsers, or http://www.youronlinechoices.com/, which enables you to manage the advertisement cookies placed on your devices.
Some of our Sites utilize third-party analytics tools, to track page content and viewing information, pages viewed, keystroke activity, time spent on pages, scroll activity, click/touch information, and mouse movements. One tool our sites utilize is Mouseflow so to learn more about Mouseflow's privacy practices, please consult https://mouseflow.com/legal/company/privacy-policy/. You can also opt-out at http://mouseflow.com/opt-out.
Disclosure of Your Personal Information
Under limited circumstances we may disclose the Personal Information we collect to third parties for all or part of the above-mentioned purposes and to provide certain, specific services or opportunities offered by the below third parties. Examples of those circumstances are described below, along with some of the steps we take to limit the manner in which your Personal Information is used.
- Service Providers: We may share your information with companies that provide support services to us (such as credit card and payment processors, printers, mailing houses, analytics providers, claims adjusters, call center/chat providers, web hosts, application developers, event co-sponsors, concessionaires, resort management boards responsible for management and planning for the development, promotion and use of our Locations, or providers of online reservation services) or that help us market our products and services (such as email or text messaging vendors).
- Ski Pass Partners: Vail Resorts sometimes enters into contractual relationships with other resorts that we do not own so that our customers can access skiing or other resort services at those resorts.
- With Other Vail Resorts Entities: Personal Information we collect may be shared, consistent with this Notice, with other Vail Resorts entities, including current or future parents, affiliates, subsidiaries, and entities sharing common ownership with Vail Resorts. All of the Vail Resorts entities are bound to this Privacy Notice.
- Partner Promotions and Events: We may occasionally co-sponsor events with business partners or provide you opportunities to register for special promotions or services provided in conjunction with our business partners. We may share your information with those business partners to help us market or improve our products and services, and we will give you a clear notice if you are providing information to such third party. In addition, we may also arrange to send you marketing and promotional information of other companies that we think might be of interest to you, only if you tell us that you want to receive these sorts of materials.
- In Connection with Corporate Events: In the event of a merger, reorganization, acquisition, joint venture, assignment, spin-off, transfer, or sale or disposition of all or any portion of our business, including in connection with any bankruptcy or similar proceedings, we may transfer any and all Personal Information to the relevant third party. Your Personal Information would remain subject to this Notice, unless notified otherwise.
In all the above circumstances, any third-parties or partners are only authorized to use the Personal Information we share with them for the particular purpose of delivering the service, opportunity, or access we are working with them to provide. In addition, we only disclose the information they need to provide the specific service, function, or opportunity, including providing aggregated or de-identified data when possible. All Personal Information is shared pursuant to written contracts with the third party in line with applicable laws.
In addition, we may release Personal Information: (i) to the extent we have a good-faith belief that such action is necessary to comply with any applicable law; (ii) to enforce any provision of our contracts/agreement with you, protect ourselves against any liability, defend ourselves against any claims, protect the rights, property and personal safety of any user, or protect the public welfare; (iii) when disclosure is required to maintain the security and integrity of the service, or to protect any user’s security or the security of other persons, consistent with applicable laws (iv) to respond to a court order, subpoena, search warrant, or other legal process, to the extent permitted and as restricted by law; (v) in the event that we go through a business transition, such as a merger, divestiture, acquisition, liquidation or sale of all or a portion of our assets; or (vi) for an additional purpose that is directly related to and compatible with the original purpose for which the Personal Information was collected.
Links to Third-Party Websites
Our Sites contain direct links to sites offered by third parties (e.g., our strategic alliance partners’ sites, co-branded event sites, or websites belonging to community partners). Those third-party sites are not covered by this Privacy Notice.
Some of the sites may give you the option of sharing your thoughts, Personal Information, or skiing and snowboarding experiences automatically on their platforms. If you choose to share information with a third-party site such as Twitter or Facebook, or a third-party service such as Apple Health, the information you choose to share is not subject to this Privacy Notice. You should review the privacy policies of those sites or services to make an informed decision about whether to share your information. Further, you should review your account settings on those sites to ensure that you are comfortable sharing your information with the audience chosen in that account.
Vail Resorts Accounts
In addition to other purposes outlined in this Notice, Vail Resorts will use information collected through your My Epic and/or other Vail Resorts accounts, such as the Perisher Dashboard, to establish, maintain and manage your account. Vail Resorts may combine this information with your location information collected via Bluetooth or GPS, in order to provide some of the services via our Sites. Depending on the notification options you choose, we may also send you emails, push notifications, or text messages related to your account, such as a summary of your day when you ski or snowboard, or awards or special offers when certain milestones have been achieved. You may unsubscribe from receiving such messages by managing your account settings.
Your Vail Resorts accounts allow you to share certain information within the application or on social media or other third-party sites. In particular you can view or share:
- your name (or display name if preferred);
- your statistics on certain applications;
- badges earned, date of becoming a Vail Resorts skier/rider, date last active at Vail Resorts, goals and progress towards goals;
- you position on leaderboards;
- the number of days, streak (number of days you have skied/ridden in a row), lift rides (which may include each scan of your ski pass: location, date and time), and vertical distance you have skied or ridden; and
- photos, social media accounts connected to the application.
You can manage the content and information you share when using your account through the privacy settings you select. The settings allow three basic types of information sharing:
- Private: Your information is not visible to other application members or to the public. You will not be visible on leaderboards and your name/email address will not be searchable on these applications.
- Share within application: Other application members who have been accepted as friends will be able to see the above details about you that you have chosen to share with them.
- Share Socially: The above details will be shared via any social media accounts connected to the application. If you choose to link your application account to third party sites, such as Facebook, you can manage what information you want to share with each of these sites automatically, or you can choose what content to share manually. As described in this Notice, if you choose to share information with a third-party site, the information you share on that site is not subject to this Privacy Notice. You should review the privacy policies of those sites to make an informed decision about whether to share your information.
Use of Bluetooth and GPS
To provide digital lift ticket service allowing utilization of your phone as a lift ticket or Epic Pass, and/or to allow use of maps in MyEpic, we use information from devices that broadcast Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and Global Positioning System (“GPS”) signals broadcast from your mobile device. For example:
- if you use your phone as your lift ticket or Epic Pass, the application will use Bluetooth to enable such functionality;
- MyEpic Time uses Wi-Fi and Bluetooth signals anonymously to calculate the line times at participating chair lifts; or
- if you use the MyEpic Maps functionality, your phone's GPS signal will be used to display your location on a map in order to provide you with the customized map functionality.
Unless necessary as a part of the services (e.g., using your phone as your lift ticket) we do not connect information broadcast from your device to link to or collect Personal Information about you. If you do not wish for your information to be included in things like the wait time calculation, you can turn off your device’s Wi-Fi and Bluetooth services, though be aware that may reduce the availability of other services. With regard to GPS, your current location is only used to update your location on MyEpic Maps and is not stored by MyEpic. If you do not wish to see your personal location on the map, you can turn off GPS location services on your device at any time.
For more information about MyEpic accounts, visit these FAQs.
Children’s Privacy
We do not knowingly collect Personal Information on our Sites from children under the age of 13 without the prior consent of the child’s parent or guardian.
Children and Vail Resorts Applications
Children under age 13 may only open a Vail Resorts application account (such as an MyEpic or Perisher Dashboard account) with parental consent. After parental approval is received and verified, the child’s account will be created. Parents who approve the creation of a child account understand that we will collect the following information about the child: an email account, name, date of birth, gender, state, zip or postal code, country. We will maintain that information in the application account and combine it with information collected offline, such as the child’s chair lift rides at our resorts, attendance at events sponsored in whole or in part by Vail Resorts, information about the child’s ski school experience, pictures taken by Vail Resorts photographers, and race times. We will only collect information about your child for the purpose of providing the account services you have enabled and for providing account features and notifying you and your child of information related to the account. We will not use the information to market other products or services to your child and will not sell or share the information with others for those purposes.
Application profiles created for children under 13 have restricted privacy features and are only viewable by you, your child, and other family members linked to your account. The child’s information is not visible to other application members or to the general public, and is not visible on leaderboards or searchable on Vail Resorts applications such as MyEpic. In addition, children under age 13 are not able to link to third party sites, such as Facebook.
If you believe that a child under age 13 (or other age applicable in a different jurisdiction) has provided Personal Information to us without the consent of a parent or guardian, has created an account of any kind without the consent of a parent or guardian, or if you wish to delete your child's Vail Resorts application account or revoke consent, please notify us at DataPrivacy@vailresorts.com (or in Australia, by emailing privacy@perisher.com.au or on the telephone at 1300 655 822) as soon as possible so their data may be deleted.
Your Choices and Rights
If you agreed to receive communications from us, our Sites give you the option of not receiving future communications by sending an email to DataPrivacy@vailresorts.com (or if you are in Australia, by sending an email to response@mail.perisher.com.au) or by clicking on the link enabling you to unsubscribe displayed at the bottom on each of our communications. You can also exercise the above-mentioned option by visiting our Consumer Communication Preference Center.
If you have a snow.com or epicpass.com account, you can manage your information and privacy preferences by logging into your account at www.snow.com or www.epicpass.com.
If you have an MyEpic account, you can manage your information and privacy preferences by logging into your account at www.MyEpic.com (or in Australia, by logging into your account at www.epicaustraliapass.com.au).
Your Privacy Rights and Additional Disclosures
Depending on the state in which you reside, you may have certain privacy rights regarding your personal data. If you are a California resident, please see our “Notice to California Residents” section below. For other state residents, your privacy rights may include (if applicable):
- the right to confirm whether or not we are processing your personal data and to access such personal data;
- the right to obtain a copy of your personal data that we collected from and/or about you in a portable and, to the extent technically feasible, readily usable format that allows you to transmit the information to another controller without hindrance, where the processing is carried out by automated means;
- the right to delete personal data that we collected from and/or about you, subject to certain exceptions;
- the right to correct inaccurate personal data that we maintain about you, subject to certain exceptions;
- the right, if applicable, to opt out of the processing of your personal data for purposes of (1) targeted advertising; (2) the “sale” of your personal data (as that term is defined by applicable law); and (3) profiling in furtherance of decisions that produce legal or similarly significant effects concerning you;
- if we are required by applicable law to obtain your consent to process sensitive personal data, the right to withdraw your consent; and
- the right not to receive discriminatory treatment by us for the exercise of your privacy rights.
You can exercise the above-mentioned rights by visiting our Consumer Privacy Rights Request Form, emailing DataPrivacy@vailresorts.com calling us by telephone at 1-866-684-5604 (in Australia, by emailing privacy@perisher.com.au or by telephone at 1300 655 822). If you submit a request to delete online, you may be asked to confirm separately that you want your Personal Information deleted.
Depending on how the applicable privacy law defines a “sale,” we may sell personal data to third parties in certain, limited circumstances. For instance, if you are a resident of Colorado or Connecticut, our use of cookies and tracking technologies constitutes a sale of personal data to third-party advertisers. We also use cookies and other tracking technologies to display advertisements about our products to you on nonaffiliated websites, applications, and online services. This is “targeted advertising” under applicable privacy laws. We do not use personal data for profiling in furtherance of decisions that produce legal or similarly significant effects concerning individuals. For more information about our use of cookies and similar technology, please review our Cookie Notice.
Notice to California Residents
The California Consumer Privacy Act, as amended by the California Privacy Rights Act of 2020 (“CCPA”), requires that we provide California residents with a privacy policy that contains a comprehensive description of our online and offline practices regarding the collection, use, disclosure, sale, sharing, and retention of personal information and of the rights of California residents regarding their personal information. This section of the Privacy Notice is intended solely for, and is applicable only as to, California residents. If you are not a California resident, this section does not apply to you and you should not rely on it.
The CCPA defines “personal information” to mean information that identifies, relates to, describes, is reasonably capable of being associated with, or could reasonably be linked, directly or indirectly, with a particular California resident or household. Personal information does not include publicly available, deidentified or aggregated information or lawfully obtained, truthful information that is a matter of public concern. For purposes of this “Notice to California Residents” section we will continue refer to this information as “Personal Information,” as previously defined.
If you are a California resident and a current or former employee, job applicant, or independent contractor of ours, please see the applicable privacy notice for more information on our collection and use of your Personal Information in that capacity.
We currently collect and, in the 12 months prior to the effective date of this Privacy Notice, have collected the categories of Personal Information described above in this Notice. We collect Personal Information directly from California residents and, in the case of website users, from advertising networks and internet service providers. We do not collect all categories of Personal Information from each source.
In addition to the purposes stated above in the section “How We Use Your Personal Data” we currently collect and have collected the above categories of Personal Information for the following business or commercial purposes:
- auditing related to counting ad impressions to unique visitors, verifying positioning and quality of ad impressions, and auditing compliance with this specification and other standards;
- helping to ensure security and integrity to the extent the use of your Personal Information is reasonably necessary and proportionate for these purposes;
- debugging to identify and repair errors that impair existing intended functionality;
- short-term, transient use, including, but not limited to, non-personalized advertising shown as part of your current interaction with us, provided that your Personal; Information is not disclosed to another third party and is not used to build a profile about you or otherwise alter your experience outside the current interaction with us;
- performing services, including maintaining or servicing accounts, providing customer service, processing or fulfilling orders and transactions, verifying customer information, processing payments, providing financing, providing analytic services, providing storage, or providing similar services;
- providing advertising and marketing services, except for targeted advertising, to you provided that, for the purpose of advertising and marketing, our service providers and/or contractors shall not combine the Personal Information of opted-out consumers that the service provider or contractor receives from us, or on our behalf with Personal Information that the service provider or contractor receives from, or on behalf of, another person or persons or collects from its own interaction with you;
- undertaking internal research for technological development and demonstration;
- undertaking activities to verify or maintain the quality or safety of a service or device that is owned, manufactured, manufactured for, or controlled by us, and to improve, upgrade, or enhance the service or device that is owned, manufactured, manufactured for, or controlled by us; and
- advancing our commercial or economic interests, such as by inducing another person to buy, rent, lease, join, subscribe to, provide, or exchange products, goods, property, information, or services, or enabling or effecting, directly or indirectly, a commercial transaction.
Sale, Sharing, and Disclosure of Personal Information
The CCPA defines “sale” as the transfer of Personal Information for monetary or other valuable consideration. However, Vail Resorts does not knowingly sell and will not sell the Personal Information of any guest. Although we do engage in online activities that may constitute a share of Personal Information under California law. This may include showing you advertisements on other websites.
The following table identifies the categories of Personal Information that we shared to third parties in the 12 months preceding the last update of this Privacy Notice and, for each category, the category of third parties to whom we sold or shared Personal Information. For more detailed information about this type of sharing please review the above sections “Third-Party Advertisers” for details about the specific entities that we may share your data with.
Categories of Personal Information | Categories of Third Parties |
Unique personal identifiers (device identifier; cookies, beacons, pixel tags, mobile ad identifiers, or other similar technology; customer number, unique pseudonym or user alias; or other forms of persistent or probabilistic identifiers that can be used to identify a particular consumer or device) | Advertising network; data analytics provider. |
We shared Personal Information to third parties for the following business or commercial purposes:
- to better understand how you use our Sites across the various devices you use, and to deliver tailored promotions to our guests;
- to track page content and viewing information, pages viewed, keystroke activity, time spent on pages, scroll activity, click/touch information, and mouse movements; and
- to better understand your specific preferences and track your activity across our web-based offerings and advertisements.
The following table identifies the categories of Personal Information that we disclosed for a business purpose in the 12 months preceding the last update of this Notice:
Categories of Personal Information (more detail for each in the above sections) | Categories of Third Parties |
We disclosed Personal Information for the business or commercial purposes described in detail in the “Disclosure of Your Personal Information” section above.
Retention of Personal Information
We retain your Personal Information for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes for which we collect it, such as to provide you with the service you have requested, and for the purpose of satisfying any legal, accounting, contractual, or reporting requirements that apply to us.
Your Rights
If you are a California resident, you have the following rights with respect to your Personal Information:
- the right to know what Personal Information we have collected about you, including the categories of Personal Information, the categories of sources from which we collected personal Information, the business or commercial purpose for collecting, selling or sharing Personal Information (if applicable), the categories of third parties to whom we disclose Personal Information (if applicable), and the specific pieces of Personal Information we collected about you;
- the right to delete Personal Information that we collected from you, subject to certain exceptions;
- the right to correct inaccurate Personal Information that we maintain about you;
- if we sell or share Personal Information, the right to opt out of the sale or sharing;
- if we use or disclose sensitive Personal Information for purposes other than those allowed by the CCPA and its regulations, the right to limit our use or disclosure; and
- the right not to receive discriminatory treatment by us for the exercise of privacy rights the CCPA confers.
How to Submit a Request to Know, Delete, and/or Correct
You can exercise the above-mentioned rights by visiting our Employee/Applicant Privacy Rights Request Form, emailing DataPrivacy@vailresorts.com calling us by telephone at 1-866-684-5604 (in Australia, by emailing privacy@perisher.com.au or by telephone at 1300 655 822). If you submit a request to delete online, you may be asked to confirm separately that you want your Personal Information deleted.
If you are submitting a request on behalf of a California resident, please submit the request through one of the designated methods discussed above. After submitting the request, we will require additional information to verify your authority to act on behalf of the California resident.
Our Process for Verifying a Request to Know, Delete, and/or Correct
We will comply with your request upon verification of your identity and, to the extent applicable, the identity of the California resident on whose behalf you are making such request.
If you maintain a password-protected account, we may verify your identity through existing authentication practices available through your account. Prior to disclosing or deleting the Personal Information, we will ask you to re-authenticate yourself with respect to that account.
If you do not maintain a password-protected account, or if you are an account-holder but we suspect fraudulent or malicious activity with your account, we will verify your identity either to a “reasonable degree of certainty” or a “reasonably high degree of certainty” depending on the sensitivity of the Personal Information and the risk of harm to you by unauthorized disclosure, deletion, or correction as applicable. To do so, we will ask you to verify data points based on information we have in our records concerning you.
Right to Opt Out of Sale or Sharing of Personal Information
If you are a California resident, you have the right to direct us to stop selling or sharing your Personal Information. However, Vail Resorts does not and will not sell the Personal Information of any guest, but we may share your Personal information in accordance with this Notice. You may submit a request to opt out of sharing by visiting Your Privacy Choices and/or via the opt-out mechanisms, the degree to which such sharing is performed via cookies and similar technologies managed by that cookie opt-out.
Right to Limit Use of Sensitive Personal Information
California residents have the right to limit our use or disclosure of sensitive Personal Information if we use it for purposes other than those allowed by the CCPA and its regulations. You may submit a request to limit our use of your sensitive Personal Information through our interactive webform available by clicking on this link: “Limit the Use of My Sensitive Personal Information.”
Notice of Financial Incentive
From time to time, you may have the opportunity to provide Personal Information in exchange for discounts and price differences. For example, we may provide discounts and price differences in exchange for you subscribing to a mailing list.
Signing up for discounts and price differences is optional. By providing your Personal Information during the discount sign-up process, you affirmatively opt in to receiving the financial incentive and to have your personal information processed as described. You have the right to withdraw from the financial incentive at any time. If you opt out of receiving a financial incentive, we will not reduce the value of any financial incentives you previously received from us. If you wish to withdraw from receiving the financial incentive, you may submit such a request at any time by emailing us at dataprivacy@vailresorts.com.
Erasure Law
If you are a California resident under the age of 18 and a registered user of the services, California Business & Professions Code § 22581 permits you to request and obtain removal of content or information posted on the services by you. If you wish to make a request, please contact us at dataprivacy@vailresorts.com. Please be aware that removal does not ensure complete or comprehensive removal of the content or information posted on the services by you and there may be legal reasons for denying your request.
Browser Settings and Universal Opt-Out
At this time, Vail Resorts’ websites are not able to recognize and or respond to certain browser preference signals or opt-out settings such as Global Privacy Control (“GPC”) or Do Not Track. GPC and “Do Not Track” are browser settings that notify websites of an individual’s privacy preferences. For example, “Do Not Track” is a preference you can set in your web browser to inform websites you visit that you do not wish to be tracked via certain technology like cookies and pixels. Such browser settings must be supported by the website you are visiting to be effective. Vail Resorts is not currently able to support such browser codes, so Vail Resorts will not automatically acknowledge and or respond to your particular settings when you access our websites. However, you may make a request to opt-out of or limit any processing activities as described herein or through the links available on our websites.
International Data Transfers
Vail Resorts’ headquarters are located in the United States. Through our affiliates, we operate Locations in the U.S., Canada, Australia and Switzerland. Your Personal Information may be transferred, stored or processed by Vail Resorts entities or third parties located in the United States or other locations around the world, in particular where our partner resorts are located, i.e. additional countries in Europe as well as Japan, as described in this Notice. Data protection standards in those countries may differ from the country where you reside.
For individuals in Australia, please note that your Personal Information may be transferred to our affiliates in the United States or Canada for the purposes described in this Notice. Vail Resorts affiliates will handle your Personal Information in a manner consistent with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and Australian Privacy Principles (APPs), and may also be subject to other countries’ privacy and data protection laws that impose requirements similar to the APPs.
Notice Regarding European Law
Under certain European law, companies are required to have a legal basis for processing personal data. We process personal data as necessary to perform our contracts with you, including based on our Terms of Use, and the disclosures above. We further process personal data based on our legitimate interests or the interests of a third party, for compliance with a legal obligation, and to protect your interests or those of another person. While we make efforts to respond to all privacy inquiries from individuals, Vail Resorts does not actively solicit business from the European Economic Area; therefore, you may not have opportunity avail yourself of the rights provided under the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) or the laws of your particular country of residence. By providing your information, you unambiguously consent to transfer of your Personal Information and other information to the US and elsewhere for the purposes and uses described in this Notice. Further, you acknowledge that Vail Resorts may not be subject to the GDPR, and, therefore, you may be unable to claim the privacy rights provided in those laws. We also process personal data based on your consent in certain instances. Where personal data is processed based on consent, you may have the right to withdraw such consent at any time. Exemplary instances are detailed further in the disclosures above, including the disclosures regarding “How We Use Your Personal Information.” For processing based on public interest, you have a right to object to such processing, which we will assess. For additional information or to make a request, please contact dataprivacy@vailresorts.com or call 1-866-684-5604.
Data Security and Retention
Vail Resorts has implemented physical, technological, and organizational safeguards and security measures designed to protect against the loss, misuse, or unauthorized access or disclosure of your Personal Information under our control. We also take measures to protect the Personal Information we disclose to third parties, for example by entering into contractual agreements stipulating the confidentiality of the information and the purposes for which it is to be used. Please be aware though that, despite our efforts, no security measures are perfect or impenetrable. You can help us by protecting and keeping your passwords safe at all times, and not using the same password for different applications or sites. You also can protect yourself and help us reduce the risk of fraud by promptly notifying us if you suspect that your credit card, pass product with resort charge, other resort-specific payment product, user name, or password is lost, stolen or used without permission.
We will retain your Personal Information for the length of time needed to fulfill the purposes outlined in this Notice and for the purposes of satisfying any legal, accounting, contractual, or reporting requirements that apply to us. Personal Information that is no longer required for those purposes will be destroyed or made irreversibly anonymous.
Changes to the Notice
We may change this Notice from time to time, and will post the revised Notice on our Sites. The changes will only apply to Personal Information we collect after we have posted the revised Notice. If we make material changes to the way we collect, use or disclose Personal Information, we will notify you by means that are appropriate, including potentially posting a clear and prominent announcement on our Sites or alerting you through a direct communication. To the extent allowed by applicable law, your continued access to or use of Vail Resorts Sites or Locations following notice of material changes to this Notice shall constitute consent to any amendments and/or modifications. Where required by law we will provide separate notice or seek separate consent for changes to our Privacy Notice or practices.
Contact Us
If you have questions about this Privacy Notice or our data security practices, or need to access this Privacy Notice in an alternative format due to a disability, please contact:
The Vail Corporation dba Vail Resorts Management Company
Attn: Privacy
390 Interlocken Crescent, Suite 1000
Broomfield, CO 80026
Whistler and Blackcomb Mountains
Attn: Privacy
4545 Blackcomb Way,
Whistler, B.C. V8E 0X9
Perisher Blue Pty Limited
Attn: Privacy
PO Box 42,
Perisher Valley,
NSW 2624 Australia
1300 655 822
Website Terms and Conditions
Welcome to the websites of Vail Resorts. The Vail Corporation and its affiliates ("Vail Resorts", "we", "us", or "our") provide these websites to you, subject to the following Terms of Use ("Terms of Use"), which govern your use of any of our websites containing a link to these Terms of Use (collectively, the “Sites”). Please read these Terms of Use carefully before using our Sites. By using any of our Sites, you agree to these Terms of Use. If you do not agree to these Terms of Use, you should not use our Sites or the services we provide on them.
By agreeing to the Terms of Use, you agree to the terms of our Online Privacy Policy, which is expressly incorporated into these Terms of Use. All personal data provided to us as a result of your use of these Sites will be handled in accordance with our Privacy Policy.
Additional Terms and Agreements
We may also require you to follow additional rules or guidelines in order to sign up to use various special features or password-protected areas of our Sites, to make purchases or reservations on our Sites, to participate in certain promotions available through our Sites, or for other reasons. In such cases, you may be asked to expressly consent to additional terms, for example, by checking a box or clicking on a button marked “I agree.” This type of agreement is known as a “click-through” agreement. If any of the terms of a click-through agreement are different than the terms of these Terms of Use, the terms of the click-through agreement will supplement or amend these Terms of Use, but only with respect to the matters governed by the click-through agreement. In addition, certain policies or terms of sale may apply to online purchases or reservations made on our Sites, which may deemed accepted when you complete or confirm your purchase or reservation. All additional terms and click-through agreements as described in this paragraph are referred to as “Additional Terms.”
Vail Resorts Content
Our Sites contain text, graphics, video, audio, or other content provided by Vail Resorts or its partners (collectively, “Vail Resorts Content”) and such content is protected under applicable intellectual property laws. All Vail Resorts Content and related intellectual property rights are the property of Vail Resorts or the material is included with the permission of the rights. Vail Resorts grants you permission and license to lawfully access and use these Sites and to display, print, or download one copy of the Vail Resorts Content on any single computer for your personal, noncommercial use only, provided that you (a) do not modify the Vail Resorts Content; (b) you retain any and all copyright and other proprietary notices contained in the Vail Resorts Content; and (c) you do not copy, post, distribute or transmit the Vail Resorts Content on any other website, via any network computer or broadcast the Vail Resorts Content in any media.
You expressly recognize and agree that Vail Resorts' trademarks, including our resort and hotel names and logos (the "Vail Resorts Marks") are the sole property of Vail Resorts. You are not authorized to display or use the Vail Resorts Marks or the trademarks, product names, company names, logos, service marks and/or trade dress of any other owners featured on our Sites without the prior written permission of the owner.
Any applicable software you may download from or access on our Sites, including any files, images, or data accompanying the software (collectively, the "Software") are licensed to you by Vail Resorts for the limited use described in the preceding paragraph. Vail Resorts transfers no right, title or interest in the Software to you. Vail Resorts retains full and complete title to the Software, and all intellectual property rights therein. You may not redistribute, sell, decode, reverse engineer, disassemble, or otherwise reduce the Software to a human-perceivable form.
Content You Submit to the Sites
Some of our Sites may provide you with the ability to add, create, upload, submit, distribute, post, or share on or through the Site, content, including without limitation information, website links, opinions, photos, profiles, graphics, videos, and audio clips (“User Content”). For example, the Epic Mix service allows you to upload your photographs to the Epic Mix Site for posting and sharing through your Epic Mix account.
By posting any User Content on the Site, you expressly grant, and represent and warrant that you have the right to grant, to Vail Resorts a non-exclusive, irrevocable, worldwide, transferable, royalty-free, perpetual license to publicly display, publicly perform, reproduce, distribute, create derivative works, and sublicense your User Content in any manner or through any media now known or later developed without any payment to you.
Vail Resorts may choose, in its sole discretion, to pre-screen, edit, refuse, move or remove any User Content posted to the sites. You agree that exercise of that discretion by Vail Resorts does not convert the User Content into Vail Resorts Content.
You agree to not use the Sites to:
(a) upload, post, e-mail or otherwise transmit any User Content that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, tortious, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, offensive, libelous, invasive of another's privacy, hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable;
(b) engage in or facilitate harassing conduct aimed at any other person or entity;
(c) harm minors in any way;
(d) impersonate any person or entity or falsely state or otherwise misrepresent your affiliation with a person or entity;
(e) forge headers or otherwise manipulate identifiers in order to disguise the origin of any content transmitted through the Sites;
(f) upload, post, e-mail or otherwise transmit any User Content that you do not have a right to transmit under any law or under contractual or fiduciary relationships (such as inside information, proprietary and confidential information learned or disclosed as part of employment relationships or under nondisclosure agreements);
(g) upload, post, e-mail or otherwise transmit any User Content that infringes any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or other proprietary rights of any party;
(h) upload, post, e-mail or otherwise transmit any unsolicited or unauthorized advertising, promotional materials, "junk mail," "spam," "chain letters," "pyramid schemes," or any other form of solicitation;
(i) upload, post, e-mail or otherwise transmit any material that contains software viruses or any other computer code, files or programs designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware or telecommunications equipment;
(j) interfere with or disrupt the Sites or servers or networks connected to the Sites, or disobey any requirements, procedures, policies or regulations of networks connected to the Sites;
(k) violate any applicable local, state, national or international law, and any regulations having the force of law.
Special Considerations Related to Epic Mix™
Vail Resorts provides the option for you to share your experiences at our resorts with others through your Epic Mix account and the Epic Mix mobile applications. If you open an Epic Mix account, you understand that Vail Resorts will collect and maintain information related to your use of your ski pass at our resorts. Vail Resorts publishes that information to your Epic Mix account in order to provide the Epic Mix service to you. If you agree to have your picture taken by one of our professional photographers, we will upload the photographs to your Epic Mix account in order to provide you with the Epic Mix photography services. We will also collect and publish the User Content, such as your personal photographs, that you submit in connection with your Epic Mix account.
The Epic Mix service allows you to share content through various platforms, websites, and mobile applications, including Facebook and Twitter. You understand that Vail Resorts does not control what information gets published to those sites or who has access to that information. Those sites are managed by third parties and governed by the term of use and privacy policies published on those sites.
Epic Mix allows you to upload and share photographs and tag or identify other Epic Mix users in a photograph. You agree not to tag users without their consent. You agree not to post a photograph of a minor child or tag a minor child in a photograph without the consent of that child’s parent or guardian. If a user requests that you remove a photo containing their image or delete a tag, you will do so immediately. Vail Resorts reserves the right to remove photographs or tags at its discretion.
You understand that when you publish User Content to Epic Mix using the “public” setting (including posting photographs), it means you are allowing anyone to access and use that User Content.
You understand that Epic Mix allows you to manage who can see User Content and other information in your Epic Mix account. To learn more about managing your Epic Mix account settings, visit our Epic Mix Privacy FAQ.
Copyright Infringement Complaints
Vail Resorts respects the intellectual property of others, and we ask our users to do the same. If you believe that content on the Sites infringes your work, or the work of a third party for whom you are authorized to act, please send a notice of the alleged infringement to Vail Resorts’ copyright agent including all of the following information, pursuant to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 (“DMCA”):
• An electronic or physical signature of the intellectual property owner, or an agent authorized to act on behalf of the owner;
• A description of the work that you claim has been infringed, including the URL, website location, or other identifying characteristics;
• Your name, company name, address, telephone number, fax number, and e-mail address (and, if you are not the owner of the intellectual property, the name of the owner);
• A statement by you that you have a good-faith belief that the described use of the work is not authorized by the intellectual property owner, its agent, or the law;
• A statement by you, made under penalty of perjury, that the information in your notice is accurate and that you are either the intellectual property owner or an agent authorized to act on behalf of the intellectual property owner.
Please send the notice of alleged infringement by any of the following:
Attn: Copyright Agent
U.S. Mail: The Vail Corporation
390 Interlocken Crescent
Broomfield, Colorado 80021
E-mail: comments@vailresorts.com (please include “attn: Copyright Agent” in the subject line)
Fax: (303) 404-6422
Vail Resorts Terms of Use for User Generated Content
Vail Resorts, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates (together, “Vail Resorts”) reaches out to social media users to seek their permission to feature our favorite content on our various websites, social channels, and other Vail Resorts’ marketing and advertising media (collectively, the “Sites”), and other advertising outlets including paid advertising. You are reading this because Vail Resorts has requested your permission to use your social media content in this way.
If you choose to allow us to use your social media content (such as photos, text, graphics, audio, or video), including your name, profile information and location information associated with such content (collectively, “User Content”) by replying to Vail Resorts’ request with the hashtag #MyEpicPic, you agree to these Terms of Use and to Vail Resorts’ Online Privacy Policy located at snow.com/footer/privacy.aspx.
In addition, to the extent your User Content is displayed on the Sites you will also be subject to the Terms of Use for the Sites located at snow.com/footer/terms-and-conditions.aspx. If you do not agree to all of the terms of these Terms of Use, please do not submit User Content in response to a Request. Vail Resorts reserves the right to alter these Terms of Use without advance notice by posting a revised Terms of Use. Accordingly, you should review the Terms of Use each time you grant permission to Vail Resorts to feature your User Content.
Prohibited Content
Vail Resorts’ policy is that it does not accept any User Content that is libelous, defamatory, harassing, threatening, bigoted, racist, hateful, violent, vulgar, obscene, pornographic, or otherwise offensive or that harms or can reasonably be expected to harm any person or entity, whether or not such material is protected by law. You agree and represent and warrant that the User Content complies with this policy.
Age of Majority
By submitting your User Content, you confirm that you are at least the age of your majority in your state of residence. Ownership
You agree and represent and warrant that you own or have the necessary rights and permissions including, without limitation, all copyrights, music rights, and publicity rights (with respect to any person) contained in the User Content, without the need for payment to any other person or entity, to use and exploit, and to authorize Vail Resorts to use and exploit your User Content in all manners contemplated by these Terms of Use. You further agree to indemnify and hold Vail Resorts harmless from any claims or expenses (including attorneys’ fees) by any third party arising out of or in connection with our use and exploitation of you User Content resulting from a breach of these Terms of Use.
You retain ownership of any User Content you submit to Vail Resorts in response to a Request and grant to Vail Resorts and its respective agents, licensees, sublicensees, contractors, successors, and third-party service providers, and their respective retail partners, marketing or public relations agencies, and other affiliates (the “Licensed Parties”) a worldwide, perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free, fully-paid, non-exclusive, transferable, sublicensable right to use, reproduce, transmit, print, publish, publicly display, exhibit, distribute, redistribute, copy, index, comment on, modify, transform, adapt, translate, create derivative works based upon, publicly perform, publicly communicate, make available, and otherwise exploit any User Content, in whole or in part, in all media formats and channels now known or hereafter devised (including in connection with Vail Resorts services or goods and on the Sites, any Vail Resorts Properties, third-party websites, social media pages, paid advertising in any medium (including broadcast), services, applications, and/or platforms), in any number of a copies and without limit as to time, manner, and frequency of use, without further notice to you, without attribution (to the extent this is not contrary to mandatory provisions of applicable law), and without the requirement of permission from or payment to you or any other person or entity.
Unsolicited Ideas Policy
Vail Resorts does not accept or consider unsolicited creative ideas, suggestions or materials. In connection with any User Content you submit to Vail Resorts – whether or not solicited by Vail Resorts -- you agree that any creative ideas, suggestions or other materials you submit are not being made in confidence or trust and that no confidential or fiduciary relationship is intended or created between you and Vail Resorts in any way, and that you have no expectation of review, compensation or consideration of any type. This policy applies without limitation to any User Content you submit in response to a Request.
These Terms of Use are personal to you and may not be assigned or transferred by you for any reason without the prior written consent of Vail Resorts. These Terms of Use are governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Colorado. Exclusive jurisdiction and venue for any legal proceedings related to these Terms of Use shall be in the state and federal courts located in Denver, Colorado. If we fail to enforce any provision of these Terms of Use, it will not be considered a waiver of our rights. If any portion of these Terms of Use is to be unenforceable, then the remaining clauses and provisions will remain in full force and effect. These Terms of Use, including Vail Resorts’ Online Privacy Policy and the Terms of Use for the Sites constitute the entire agreement between you and Vail Resorts regarding your submission of User Content, superseding any prior agreements between you and Vail Resorts with regard to your submission of User Content. All of Vail Resorts’ rights and obligations under these Terms of Use are freely assignable by Vail Resorts in connection with a merger, acquisition, or sale of assets.
Andermatt-Sedrun-Disentis Discounted Lift Tickets
For the 2024-25 North American Winter Season, passholders with an Andermatt-Sedrun-Disentis (“ASD”) annual pass or employee pass ("Eligible Pass") are eligible to purchase single-day discounted lift tickets for use at participating Vail Resorts Owned and Operated North American Resort(s) (“Participating North American Resort”). Multi-day lift tickets and half-fare card purchasers are excluded from this offer. A discounted lift ticket means 50% off will be applied to the then-current ticket window price of a single-day lift ticket when purchased at the Participating North American Resort’s ticket window. The ticket window price of a single-day lift ticket may vary. Please see below for additional information regarding Eligible Passes and Participating North American Resorts.
Discount excludes taxes and any other applicable charges and fees. Discounted lift tickets are only available for purchase in person at a ticket window of the Participating North American Resort during the 2024-25 North American Winter Season only and are exempt from lift ticket restrictions. To redeem this offer, eligible ASD passholders must present their Eligible Pass to purchase a discounted lift ticket at the ticket window, otherwise, the discount will not be honored. The lift tickets are non-transferable and must be used within the same season they were obtained at the same Participating North American Resort where purchased. Partner resorts and Australian Resorts are excluded. Additional restrictions and limitations may still apply. Please refer to the Participating North American Resort website you wish to visit for any additional information.
Vail Resorts reserves the right to refuse this offer to anyone due to actual or suspected noncompliance, artifice, unauthorized, invalid, or ineligible participation, or any other situation that may compromise this offer or any element thereof in any way. Without limiting the foregoing, Vail Resorts reserves the right to cancel, terminate, or modify this offer in whole or in part at any time in its sole discretion.
This offer may not be combined with any other offer, discount, or promotion.
Void where taxed, restricted, or otherwise prohibited. Vail Resorts’ decisions are final and binding. Redemption of this offer constitutes acceptance of these offer terms and conditions, the Lift Access Product Terms of Sale, the Resort Booking and Cancellation Policies, the Vail Resorts Privacy Policy, and the lift ticket policy (if separate). Additional information and FAQs are available at https://www.epicpass.com/region/andermatt-sedrun.aspx (“Website”).
Eligible Andermatt-Sedrun-Disentis Passes:
- Annual Locals Pass (Individual & Family)
- Annual Holiday Homeowners Pass (Individual & Family)
- Annual Residents of GR/UR/TI/GOMS Pass (Individual & Family
- Annual Guest Pass (Individual & Family)
Eligible Employee Passes
- ASA employees who currently receive 50% off an Andermatt-Sedrun-Disentis pass will receive 50% off lift tickets at Participating Vail Resorts Owned and Operated North American Resorts.
- Andermatt Sedrun Sport employees who currently receive a free pass will receive complimentary access to participating Vail Resorts Owned and Operated North American Resorts.
Ineligible Andermatt-Sedrun-Disentis Passes
- Multi-day lift tickets
- Half-fare card purchases
Participating North American Resorts include the following:
- Whistler Blackcomb (BC, Canada), Vail (CO), Beaver Creek (CO) , Breckenridge (CO), Keystone (CO), Crested Butte (CO), Park City (UT), Stevens Pass (WA), Heavenly (CA), Northstar (CA), Kirkwood (CA), Stowe (VT), Okemo (VT), Mount Snow (VT), Mount Sunapee (NH), Attitash (NH), Wildcat (NH), Crotched (NH), Hunter Mountain (NY), Liberty (PA), Roundtop (PA), Whitetail (PA), Jack Frost (PA), Big Boulder (PA), Seven Springs (PA), Hidden Valley (PA), Laurel Mountain (PA), Afton Alps (MN), Wilmot (WI), Mt. Brighton (MI), Alpine Valley (OH), Mad River (OH), Boston Mills & Brandywine (OH), Paoli Peaks (IN), Hidden Valley (MO) and Snow Creek (MO).